A capacitor of capacitance 500 μF is connected to a battery through a 10 kΩ resistor. The charge stored on the capacitor in the first 5s is larger than the charge stored in the next.

Given : C = 500 μF


Capacitor is connected to a battery thought a resistor. Initially capacitor starts charge. If it is get fully charged then it starts discharge through the element connected to it. Typically for the Charging or discharging the time constant is in the order of mille seconds. Generally for 99% of the charging of a capacitor 4 to 5 time constants are sufficient. Given that the charge stored on the capacitor is larger in the first 5s. So it larger than 5s, 50s, 500s and 600s.

A capacitor of capacitance 500 μF is connected to a battery through a 10kΩ resistor. The charge stored on the capacitor is large in the first 5s. All the options given are correct.