Find some trees in your neighborhood having medicinal values.

In our neighborhood there are different trees having medicinal values and those are Jamun, Neem, Tulsi etc. Jamun is a fruit which is helpful in curing sugar, this fruit as it tastes very sour and soft, it can be drink in the form of blackberry juice also. It is helpful after eating this fruit the seed which is found inside can be dried and then after grinding it making a paste of that powder, we can use it in curing diabetes. Neem leaves are very useful for a person suffering of itching and rashes, it can be used in the form of medicine, its leaves are boiled in water and after boiling we should take bath by rubbing it on affected areas, it reduces itching and if we eat the leaves of Neem then it can cure the impurities in our blood, which will be helpful for our glowing skin. Tulsi is used for the person who is suffering from cold and cough, it is known that it is a plant that provides warmth and heat our body so it cures fever as well.