Would you agree with the view that the message of universal rights was beset with contradictions? Explain.

Yes, I agree with the view that the message of universal rights was beset with several contradictions because:

Though the universal rights advocated for equal rights, the women who took an active part in the revolution were not given equal rights. The rights were only given to the men. The notions of equality and freedom emerged as the central ideas of a new age, but in different countries, they were reinterpreted and rethought in many different ways. Most of the imperialist powers did not grant full freedom to the peoples of their colonies.

The poor people were not granted voting rights despite the fact that most of the population comprised of the poor laborers. The poor were termed as passive citizens and had not given any rights.

Universal rights did not help the poor people at all, and they were continued to be suppressed. Women were also neglected, and only the rich men of the society gained the power.