The ratio between the volumes of two spheres is 8:27. What is the ratio between the surface areas?

Given: Volumes of the spheres are in the ratio 8:27.

Volume of a sphere is given by: πr3 (here ‘r’ is the radius of the sphere).

Surface are of a sphere is given by: 4πr2 (here ‘r’ is the radius of the sphere).

Let r1, r2 be the radii of first sphere and second sphere respectively.

π(r1)3: π(r2)3 = 2:27

(r1)3: (r2)3 = 8 : 27

r1: r2 = 8 : 27

(r1): (r2) = 2: 3

Now , here

4π(r1)2: 4π(r2)2 = (r1)2 : (r1)2

(r1)2 : (r1)2 = (2)2 : (3)2 = 4:9

Ratio of the surface areas of the given spheres is 4:9.