Given below is the experiment carried out by Mendel to study inheritance of two traits in garden pea.

(i) Fill in the boxes with appropriate answer.

(ii) Why did Mendel carry out an experiment with two traits?

(iii) What were his findings with respect to inheritance of traits in F1 and F2 generations?

(i) RRyy, rrYY, RrYy,

RRYY, RrYy, RrYy, RRyy, rrYY, rrYy, rryy.

(ii) Mendel carried out an experiment with two traits to know if the inheritance of one trait depended on or affected the inheritance of another trait.

(iii) In F1 generation, the round and yellow traits appear, signifying that they are the dominant traits. In the second generation, new combinations of pea seeds, like round with green, and wrinkled with yellow appear, signifying that the two traits are inherited independently.