Table of Contents
A Happy Child
Enjoy this poem
My house is red - a little house;
A happy child am I.
I laugh and play the whole day long,
I hardly ever cry.

I have a tree, a green, green tree,
To shade me from the sun;
And under it I often sit,
When all my play is done.
New words
cry day red sun
Let’s read
The sun shines in the sky.
I have a red pen.
Read and match the words with the pictures. Draw a line.
I am a boy. I am a girl.
Fun with colours
Fill in the box with the right colour.
- What is the colour of the happy child’s house?
- What is the colour of your house?
- What is the colour of the tree?
- What is the colour of the sun?
Let’s talk
Is there a tree growing near your house?
- Tell us about the tree. Is it big or small?
- Do you like the tree? What is the name of the tree?
Let’s share
There are many kinds of houses. Circle the ones you have seen.
Let’s draw
Draw your house here and talk about it.
How do you feel —
When you get a new dress? happy
When you get hurt? sad
When you share your things? -----
When you are ill? -----
Draw lines from the house to the people who in your home.
Trace the numbers on the dotted lines
How many people live in your house?
Write here. ----- people live in my house.
Sing ![A small square shaped musical instrument.]()
Jack-in-the box
Sits so still.
Won’t you come .out?
Yes I will
Join the dotted lines. Write
Look in a mirror. What do you see?
Draw your face in this circle.
Read: a, b, c.
Write: a a a a a
Collect pictures of a cat, a cow, a dog and a sheep from old books ornewspapers and paste them below.
A cat
A cow
A dog
A sheep
Trace over the dotted lines and complete the monkey’s tail.
Sing ![A small square shaped musical instrument.]()
Monkey, monkey on a tree, Swing, swing, swing, swing
The following have lost their babies. Trace along the maze using different colours and find them. One has been done for you.
Three Little Pigs
Listen and enjoy this story
Once there were three little pigs,
Sonu, Monu and Gonu.
Sonu lived in a house of straw.
Monu lived in a house of sticks and
Gonu lived in a house of bricks.
One day a big bad wolf came to Sonu’s house. He said, “I will huff and puff and I will blow your house down. So he huffed and hepuffed and he blew the house down.
Sonu ran to Monu’s house.
The wolf came to Monu’s house. He said, “I will huff and puff and I will blow your house down. So he huffed andhe puffed and he blew Monu’s house down.
Sonu and Monu ran to Gonu’s house.
The wolf came to Gonu’s house. He said, “I will huff and puff and I will blow your house down. So he huffed and hepuffed but he could not blow the brick house down. It was very strong.
The wolf went away and Sonu, Monu and Gonu lived happily together in the red brick house.
New words
and bad big but not one pig the was
Let’s read
The wolf was big and bad.
The pig was not big
Reading is fun
- How many pigs were there?
- What did the big wolf say to the pigs?
Let’s talk
- Was the wolf good or bad?
- What is your house made of?
Let’s share
- Who is good?
- Who is bad?
Let’s act
- Imagine you are at home when the wolf huffs and puffs.
- Act out the story of the wolf and three pigs.
Say aloud
1. One
2. Two
3. Three
4. Four
5. Five
6. Six
Let’s draw
Join the dots from 1 to 10 to make the house. Then colour the picture.
There are farm animals, water animals and jungle animals in this picture. Help the animals reach their homes. Draw lines.
‘Bow wow’, says the dog,
‘Mew mew’, says the cat,
‘Bleat bleat’, says the goat,
‘Roar roar’, says the lion,
‘Hello, hello’, says the child.
The emphasis in this book is on developing language skills by using the mother tongue in the initial stages. The teacher’s encouragement and motivation are very important. Children are curious and love to try things in their own little ways. Do not correct their mistakes. Focus on the process of learning and remember that the child needs to be given activities that are exciting and stimulating.
The first Unit is about introducing the child to a process of learning following the concept ‘from near to far’ Allow them to talk and help them to express their thoughts by use of their mother tongue, visuals, pictures, sketches, single word questions and answers. As you introduce the text (both the poem and the story), encourage all the children to participate.
- Develop listening skills
Read the poem/story aloud to the children.
Read it with emphasis on clear speech and correct pauses at commas and full stops.
- Develop pronunciation
Let the children read aloud after you. Make them repeat
blow, flow, glow
brick, kick, stick
huff, puff, stuff
- Exposure to language
Use in the classroom by putting visuals and cue cards. sight words Let children read these:
- Develop speaking skills
1. Encourage children to walk and jump like different animals. Let them make the sounds of ‘huff’, ‘puff'’ etc. with force.
2. Write two-letter words on the blackboard such as am he in is it me my so and start a contextual conversation by saying,‘She is agirl’, ‘I am a teacher’, ‘Please give me a pencil’, ‘He is a boy’, ‘You are so far away’, ‘It is a warm/cold day’ etc.
Provide opportunities to children for working and playing together in small groups. It will promote interaction, togetherness and team spirit besides encouragement for natural expressions.
3. Conversation based on ‘Role play’
- Divide your class into four groups:Red, Yellow, Blue, Green
- Let each group make a house.
Red—a hut Blue—a flat Yellow—a bungalow Green— an igloo
Red and Blue groups have to talk about all the objects in their houses.
Yellow and Green groups have to talk about objects around their houses.
Method— Each group uses low cost waste material (e.g. newspapers, cardboard, grass, leaves, matchsticks, etc.) to draw, sketch, construct or act out a scene from their house.
Boxes/old cartons for collecting leaves, twigs...Pencils / spoons, beads, string etc.
- Develop writing skills / fine motor coordination
- Raising awareness
Talk about turning off taps and not wasting water.