Table of Contents
Read the poem aloud
“Flying-man, Flying-man,
Up in the sky,
Where are you going to,
Flying so high ?”
“Over the mountains,
And over the sea!’’
“Flying-man, Flying-man,
Can’t you take me?”
New words
flying high man mountains sea take
Let's read
The mountains are high.
The birds are flying in the sky.
Let's share
- Have you seen an aeroplane?
- Let's pretend you are a pilot flying an aeroplane.
(a) What will you see outside your aeroplane
(i) during the day?
(ii) at night?
(b) What will you see inside your aeroplane?
• Do you think an aeroplane can land on the moon?
• Do you know if anyone has reached the moon? How did they travel to the moon?
Say aloud
Mug | vase | wave | note |
move | vale | wall | nip |
mum | view | wax | knee |
mother | van | wind | knit |
mud | vote | why | knot |
- Which word in the box sounds like 'high'?
- Which word rhymes with 'me'?
What shall I be when I grow up?
Match the following:
A person who sails a ship | an artist | |
A person who flies a spaceship | an astronaut | |
A person who Who draws or paints | a sailor | |
A person who Makes the sick people well | a dentist | |
A person who Brings letters | a doctor | |
A person who grows crops | a farmer | |
A person who makes clothes | a pilot | |
A person who works in school | a postman | |
A person who checks teeth | a tailor | |
A person who flies an aeroplane | a teacher | |
Let's read and write
The Tailor and his Friend
Read and enjoy this story
Kalu the tailor had a shop near the river. He made colourful pants and shirts for children. Appu the elephant was his friend. Appu came to his shop everyday. Kalu gave him many nice things to eat.
One day Kalu wanted to play a trick. He did not give Appu anything to eat. He took out his needle instead and pricked Appu's trunk. Appu ran away in pain.
Two days later Appu came down to the river and filled his trunk with water .He reached Kalu’s shop and threw water everywhere. All the new clothes became wet.
Appu shook his trunk and said “An elephant never forgets.”Kalu said , “I am sorry, Appu. Let’s be friends again.”
Kalu and Appu became good friends.
New words
friend pain shop tailor trick wet
Let's read
The tailor had a shop.
I have many friends.
Reading is fun
- Who was Kalu?
- Who was Appu?
- Where was Kalu's shop?
- What trick did Kalu play on Appu?
- How did Kalu's clothes become wet?
Let's talk
- What do you do
- when someone troubles you?
- when you are angry?
- when you don't want to share?
- when someone asks you for a pencil?
Let's share
- What games do you play with your friends?
- Can you walk and make sounds like an elephant?
The tailor had a shop near the river.
Question: Where is your house?
Answer : My house is near -----
Make some more sentences like the above beginning with words like—
My school... The elephant…
My friend's house... The aeroplane…
The well... My book…
Say aloud
Jam | pan | year | zebra |
Jeep | pen | yell | zigzag |
Joy | pick | yellow | zip |
Jug | pink | yes | zoo |
Juice | put | young | zoom |
Pick the odd one out . One has been done for you.
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Let's do
Make a Friendship-band
- What you need:
- Material to decorate (sequins, beads, toffees, glitter, etc.)
- Cut a strip of ribbon (colour of your choice). Cut its length to make a wrist band.
- Draw a marigold flower on the paper and cut it out.
- Decorate the marigold flower with glitter, sequins or whatever you like.
- Continue to make flowers until you have the number you wish to put on the ribbon.
- Glue the flowers to the ribbon strip.
- Let it lie flat until the glue is dry.
Now your Friendship-band
is ready to be tied
around your friend's wrist.
- You can use different materials to decorate each flower, e.g buttons, lace, sequins,beads,glitter,toffees,etc.
- A wrist band with the name of your friend can also be made.
Poem — Flying-Man
Story — The Tailor and his Friend
Teacher's Page UNIT 10
The emphasis in this Unit is on:
- different occupations;
- imaginative thinking and
- the ability to write and speak sentences.
Children should be able to write sentences such as 'My name is...'
There can be times when the children do not speak correctly. Remember, the main focus is on communication and the ability of the children to express their feelings in English.
- Children can be given a series of oral directions to listen to and then follow. Gradually increase the number of directions. For example:
Pat your head,
touch your nose,
pull your ear,
stamp your feet.
- Encourage an independent reading and writing habit in children and provide them time for it. Motivate them by reading interesting stories and poems. Use the language for instruction that is familiar to the child. Let your enthusiasm for the story shine through. Speak slowly and clearly.
- Some thoughts on friendship, basic hygiene, and compassion for animals, peace and sensitivity to their environment can be discussed.
- Ask the children to practice the alphabets in lower case and capital letters. By now the child should have an understanding of basic punctuation like capital letters, full stops and question marks and be able to recognise plural and singular forms. In all this, the key word is encouragement. The child who senses your faith in his abilities will learn to trust himself and derive satisfaction from his accomplishments and stay motivated.
- Role play and activities are vital for the development of the child. Through these he/she learns to communicate verbally, share, take turns and enjoy interaction with others.
- This book attempts to involve the child in a sense of joy for a new language. The child who is gently nurtured, subtly led and exposed to all aspects of his environment is the child who will learn.
Enjoy this picture dictionary
| Aa apple | | Gg grapes |
| Bb balloon | | Hh helicopter |
| Cc cap | | Ii igloo |
| Dd dog | | Jj jug |
| Ee elephant | kite | Kk kite |
| Ff fish | | Ll lamp |
| Mm moon | | Tt tomato |
| Nn nest | | Uu umbrella |
| Oo orange | | Vv voilin |
| Pp peacock | | Ww whale |
| Qq quilt | | Xx xmas tree |
| Rr rose | | Yy yak |
| Ss sheep | | Zz zebra |