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13. How many

Write the number of sticks.

A stick followed by another stick, followed by another, followed by another, followed by another and one more stick. _____

A stick followed by another stick, followed by another, followed by another, followed by another and two more sticks. _____

A stick followed by another stick, followed by another, followed by another, followed by another and two more sticks, then two sticks and then one more.  Also, after that, there is a bundle of ten sticks tied together.  _____

There is a bundle of ten sticks and then there are three more sticks.  _____

There is a bundle of ten sticks and then there are five more sticks.  _____

There is a bundle of ten sticks and then there are seven more sticks. _____

There is a bundle of ten sticks and then there are six more sticks. _____

How many beads?

There are three necklaces formed by ten beads each and there are two more beads.  _____

There are three necklaces formed by ten beads each and there are nine more beads.  _____

There are four necklaces formed by ten beads each and there are three more beads.  _____

There are four necklaces formed by ten beads each and there are five more beads.  _____

There are five necklaces formed by ten beads each.  _____

How much will the bananas cost?

There is a banana, below it is a one rupee coin.

There are three bananas, below it is a blank space.

A girl is holding a card in her hand, on which the digits one and five are written together.

Give number name

A boy is  holding a card in his hand, on which the digits two and four are written together.

How many tens

A boy is sitting near a board on which number thirteen is written and a girl has written number twenty six on a blackboard.  

Which is the bigger number?

There are three brown horses and two grey horses sitting in a farm.

A grey horse and a brown horse are moving out of the farm, while the rest of them are still sitting.

Three horses are sitting in the farm.

Develop a story on the pictures and narrate in the class.

A boy is making baskets from ropes, he is holding one basket in his hand, one basket is lying in front of him, three are lying on his right side and three on his left side.

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