Read and enjoy this poem


I know a funny little man,

As quiet as a mouse, Who does the mischief

that is done

In everybody's house!

There's no one ever

sees his face,

And yet we all agree

That every plate we break was cracked

By Mr. Nobody.

New words

Quiet, mischief, everybody, agree, nobody

Reading is fun
  • Who is Mr. Nobody?
  • Has anyone ever seen him?
  • Is there a Mr. Nobody in your house?
Let's talk
  • Have you ever done something naughty?
  • What did you do?
  • What did you say?
 Let's share

Sometimes you want to look and find things for yourself. Tick those that you did. Tell your friends.

I tried to see why the clock ticked. 

I climbed a tree to look into a nest.

I went out of the house at night to see the stars. 

I climbed on a stool to find biscuits.

Say aloud

Say aloud and circle the rhyming words--

1. A mouse ran into the house.

2. I can see the little bee.

3. That was a fat cat.

4. Give me a handkerchief. Don't do any mischief.

Let's draw
  • Make groups of five children each. Each group takes a big chart paper--
  • Each group draws a Mr. Nobody.
  • The first child draws Mr. Nobody's
  • The second child draws his clothes.
  • The third child draws the arms.
  • The fourth child draws his legs.
  • The fifth child draws Mr. Nobody's hair.
  • Look at Mr. Nobody. Isn't he a funny man? Colour him.
Let's write

1. Fill in the blanks with a, e, i, o, u.

He _ d,  _ rms, l _ gs, dr _ ss, h _ _ r               

2. Add 'no', 'some' and 'every' to the word body to make new words.

_ body,  _ body, _ body.

3. Seema wrote her father's name like this--

Mr. Dinesh Dixit

Ram wrote his mother's name like this--

Mrs. Sneha Ramdas

  • Write your father's name as Seema did.


  • Write your mother's name as Ram did.


  • Use 'Mr.' and 'Mrs.' to write more names you know.

_____ _____

The Zigzag Boy

I know a little zigzag boy,

Who goes this way and that.

He never knows just where he puts,

His coat or shoes or hat.

If you are not a zigzag child,

You'll have no cause to say

That you forgot, for you will know

Where things are put away.


 Can you make zigzag lines the zigzag boy runs.

Let’s practise—

quiet, agree, mouse, break, plate, zigzag


Once there was a girl with curly hair.

Her name was Curlylocks.

One day, she went into the forest near her house.

She saw a cottage.

"Is anybody in?" she asked.

There was nobody.

The Bear family lived in the cottage.

They had gone for a walk.

Curlylocks went in.

She wanted to see who lived there.

She saw three bowls of porridge on the table.

There was a big bowl for Papa Bear, a


middle size bowl for Mama Bear and a tiny little bowl for Baby Bear.

Curlylocks was hungry.

She ate the porridge from the big bowl.

It was very hot. She ate from the middle size bowl.

It was too cold. She ate from the tiny little bowl.

It was just right.

Curlylocks ate up all the porridge.

Then she went to the bedroom.

There was a big bed for Papa Bear, a middle size bed for Mama Bear and a tiny little bed for Baby Bear.

The big bed was very hard.

The middle size bed was too soft.

But the tiny little bed was just right.

Curlylocks fell asleep in the tiny little bed.

The Bear family came back.

"Somebody ate my porridge!" shouted Papa Bear in his big, gruff voice.

"Somebody ate my porridge too!" said Mama Bear.

"Somebody finished all my porridge," said Baby Bear in his tiny little voice.

The Bear family went to the bedroom. "Somebody slept in my bed," shouted Papa Bear in his big, gruff voice.

"Somebody slept in my bed too," said Mama Bear.

"Somebody is sleeping in my bed," said Baby Bear in his tiny little voice.

Curlylocks woke up. She saw the three Bears. She jumped down and ran out of the cottage as fast as she could.

--Adapted from Goldilocks and the Three Bears

New words

curly, cottage, bowl, porridge, hungry

Let's read
  • My sister's hair is soft and curly.
  • When I am hungry, I eat a lot.
Reading is fun

Who lived in the cottage in the forest?

What did Curlylocks see on the table?

Why did she eat up all the porridge from Baby Bear's bowl?

Whose bed did Curlylocks sleep in and why?

Let's talk

Have you ever seen a forest? What did you see there?

There is a plate of sweets lying on the table. You want to eat some sweets. What will you do?

Name a few things that you eat from a bowl. What do you call a bowl in your language?

Let's act
  • Pretend that you are Curlylocks. Tell your friends what happened to you when you went into the Bears' cottage. You can say the story first in your own language and then in English. Begin like this--

I am Curlylocks. I have curly hair. One day I.

Let's write

The Bear Family

Papa Bear

Mama Bear

Baby Bear

  • Bring pictures of your family members.
  • Take some chart-paper.
  • Write on it--My family
  • Stick pictures of your family members and write their names. Use Mr. / Mrs. / Ms. for elder people.
  • Write - This is me.
  • Stick your picture under it and write your name.

The words curly and hungry tell us about Curlylocks. Can you find some more words which describe The Bears? Now form them into sentences of your own.



  • Write five lines on My Family.



Lets listen and enjoy

A sailor went to sea, sea, sea. To see what he could see, see, But all that he could see, see, see. Was the bottom of the deep blue sea, sea, sea.

  • Make sentences with sea and see, tail and tale.

1. _____

2. _____

3. _____

4. _____

  • The Bear family went for a walk before dinner. Somebody came in. Look at what they did!

  • Write about all the things kept in the wrong places.

A ball _____ Papa Bear's plate.

A flower _____ Mama Bear's plate.

A plant _____ Baby Bear's chair.

  • What else do you see in the picture?


Teacher's page


Unit 6 is about further building the children's imagination to 'think', make a picture in their mind and then share this image with the class. Discover how every child sees every story he hears or reads in a different way and feels a sense of adventure in knowing other people. He learns that each of his friends has a different picture of Curlylocks.

Develop pronunciation

New words like - mischief, quiet, hungry, curly etc., can now be repeated; hearing and speaking these sounds are more important than writing them. Use sight words in the classroom by putting them on cards. Let the children read these words and make sentences.

Reinforce understanding of the way words like big, middle and tiny and phrases help the reader follow and visualise the action of a story.

Develop speaking skills

The mother tongue can be given its due place by being used for discussion and understanding, along with an engagement with English.

All groups can speak about the pranks/tricks they played on someone.

Circle two words in each group that rhyme

Cut, but, fun

Tree, pail, bee

Pat, egg, leg

Time, rope, soap

Man, mat, fan

Develop writing skills

  • Teach children the correct way to write Mr. and Mrs.
  • Begin Mr. and Mrs. with a capital and put a period or full stop after Mr. and Mrs.
  • Give more similar sounding but different spelling words to children to frame into sentences (deer-dear, tail-tale, their-there.)
  • Make children write meaningful and constructive sentences. (My family, My best friend...)