Recite this poem


On my blackboard I can draw,

One little house with one green door,

Two brown gates that open wide,

Three red steps that lead inside,

Four little chimneys painted white,

Five little windows shining bright,

Six yellow marigolds straight and tall,

Growing up against the wall.

New words

A gates, wide, lead, chimney, marigolds, straight

Reading is fun
  • How many windows does the house have in this poem?
  • Where do the marigolds glow?
Say aloud













Let's listen

Every room becomes dirty if not cleaned. Let's clean our classroom while singing this poem.

I'm going to sweep the dirt away,

I'm going to sweep the dirt away,

I'm going to sweep the dirt away.

Woosh, woosh, woosh.

 Rose Fyleman

Let's write

These are the two rooms of the house. Colour them. Based on this activity, complete the paragraphs--

This is my _____ .

It has        window _____ .

The colour of my bed is _____ .

There are _____ pictures on the wall. 

This is a _____ .

It has _____ in it.

We watch _____ here.

It has _____ curtains.

It has ____ table.

Using the pictures as clues fill in the blanks -

He is as busy as a _____ .

This pen is as light as a _____ .

Raj is as slow as a _____ .

My hair is as black as _____ .

Ask your friend to

keep his mouth wide open

Keep his mouth half shut

Keep his mouth fully shut

Ask someone to close the door using words--

Wide open, half shut and fully shut.

Find the right sentence--

Read the pairs of sentences below. Fill in the blanks in the second sentence with the opposite of the word in red.

The boy is running very fast.

The boy is walking very _____ .

The clown is very happy.

The clown is very _____ .

The girl is walking on a loose rope.

 The girl is walking on a _____ rope.

Change from singular to plural by adding es, ies and ves.

For example--




Hero _____

Fly _____

Wolf _____

Potato _____

Lady _____

Loaf _____

Fun time

Can you crawl like a baby?

Crawl... crawl... crawl...

Can you hop like a grasshopper?

Hop... hop... hop...

Can you zoom like an aeroplane?

Zoom... zoom... zoom...



One day, Akbar drew a line on the floor and ordered, "Make this line shorter, but don't rub out any part of it."

No one knew what to do. Each minister looked at the line and was puzzled.

No one could think of any way to make it longer. No one could think of how it could be made shorter without erasing it.

Birbal started smiling. When it was his turn, he went near the line.

Discuss with your partner what Birbal would do.

Now read further

Birbal drew a longer line under the first one. He didn't touch the first line.

Everyone in the court saw what he drew and said - "That's true. The first line is shorter now!"

New words

order, rub, puzzle, erase, court


Reading is fun

  • What did Akbar order one day?
  • What did each minister do?
  • How did Birbal make the line shorter?

Say aloud


  • Which letters cannot be heard when we say these words?













Team time

  • Discuss with your partner and draw pictures to show the following--

1. The ball on the left side is bigger than the one on the right.



2. Rita is shorter than Radha.



3. Raghu's basket is heavier than Ratan's.



4. Raj at is taller than Raj.



Picture story


One day a little mouse was looking for something to eat. He found a pencil.

The pencil drew a big circle.

"Is that a cheese?" asked the mouse.

I'm going to bite you," said the mouse.

And he bit it hard.

"You are hurting me," said the pencil.

"Let me draw you one last picture and then you can do what you like!"

"Very well," said the mouse.

 The pencil drew a big circle.

“Is that a cheese?” asked the mouse.

"Why, those are cucumbers," said the mouse, licking his lips.

The pencil drew two little triangles on the top circle.

"Oh, oh!" squeaked the mouse.

"Now you've made it like a cat! Don't go on!"

"Well call It a cheese," said the pencil and it drew three little circles inside the big one.

'That's an apple," squeaked the mouse.

"Let's call it an apple," said the pencil and it began drawing some funny curved things near the second circle.

"I wish you'd hurry. I simply can't wait to get my teeth into them!"

The pencil drew two little triangles on the top circle.

“Oh, oh” squeaked the mouse.

“Now you’ ve made it like a cat don’t go on.”

But the pencil went on, till it had drawn long whiskers and a mouth on the top circle.

And the mouse cried out in terror, "It's a real cat! Help!"

Now see if YOU can a cat that looks real enough to frighten away the mice!

V. Suteyev

Describe the cat in your own words.

Let's make


Material required

 A 2" by 2" square piece of chart paper, red and black sketch pens and glue.


Colour the square chart paper with the colour of your choice.

Hold any one corner of the square between your thumb and pointer finger and roll the chart paper with your other hand in such a way that it takes the shape of a cone.

Apply glue to the outer edge and stick it.

Your pencil cap is ready. Put it on the end of your pencil and see how nice it looks.

 Let’s practise

A Cat on the mat.

Teacher's pages


This Unit helps children to gain confidence by drawing not just anywhere but getting an opportunity to draw on the class blackboard. When done by a sensitive teacher, this will sow seeds of self-esteem and the 'I can' feeling. Before beginning the lesson, please observe the child's inclination for simple puzzles as in--

(a) What will come next?

Give the children more creative experiences that enrich their personalities.

This Unit shows the children that language is more than talking, reading and listening. Language creates pictures just as crayons, paints and clay can create pictures. Help children feel that words can be used to make things appear vividly.

Help children identify the new words centred on pictures and colours.

Develop listening skills

Read the lesson and let the children share with you what they feel Birbal was thinking about. Then give them some inputs/and let them change the ending of the story as they would have liked. Encourage the children to read more stories on using wit and humour.

Develop vocabulary

In this section the teacher can use various objects to show children some comparisons.

For example 

A big book, a bigger book and the biggest book.

A tall boy, a taller boy and the tallest boy etc.

Explain to the children about different ways of making singular-plurals (es, ves, ies).

  • Give more activities of adjectives (black, sad, happy, long...)
  • Talk to children about the different rooms in their house.

Develop reading skills

During the picture story you can walk around in the class. This activity is an individual activity to encourage children into the habit of understanding and interpreting the text through the medium of drawing. After the class has finished drawing, give some time to the children to close their eyes and think, (clue: relation between cat and mouse. Ans: The mouse would run away seeing the cat). Now ask the children to write a sentence and then read it aloud.

Let the class

  • Imagine their favourite food.
  • Draw a picture of the dress their brother/sister wore.
  • Describe what they saw on their way to school. So that they get into the habit of observing minutely and colourfully.

Getting ready to follow instructions

Circle the words that name things--

  • The ant was small.
  • The mouse was happy.
  • The house had a green door.
  • The chimneys were painted white.