Table of Contents

7. Saying without Speaking
Dumb Charades
Let us play a game. In this game, everyone has to let others know what they want to tell without speaking. Divide yourselves into groups of seven.
Your teacher will give each group a piece of paper with a situation written on it.
Each group will read what is written on the paper and prepare a silent act. Keep in mind that you cannot speak. You can express through your face and body actions.
When all the groups are ready with their act, they have to perform one by one in front of the other groups. The others will have to guess what is being acted out.
How did you like this game?
Did you find it difficult to act without speaking?
Look at the picture given on the next page. The children in the picture are talking to each other through actions.
Ω # Have you ever seen anyone talking through actions?
#When do people need to talk like this?
** Choose situations which children can understand and relate to, so that they can perform better in such acts or games.
Most of us can hear and speak, but there are some people who can neither hear nor speak. These people talk through actions. They understand what the other person is saying by studying their lip-movements.
All of us cannot do everything. Some of us sing well, others write good poetry. Some can climb trees quickly while others can run fast. Some can draw well, others can sing in tune. We are all special in our own ways. Hence, in schools we can learn from each other. Like all children, children who cannot speak and hear also go to school to read and write. In schools, sign language is taught to them.
Let us read about a child who cannot hear, yet, who can do many things.
I have a sister, My sister cannot hear
I have a sister
My sister is deaf.
She is special.
There are not many sisters
like mine.
My sister can play the piano.
She likes to feel
deep rumbling chords.
But she will never be
able to sing.
She cannot hear the tune.
She likes to leap, to tumble,
to roll, to climb to the top of the monkey bars.
Now my sister has started
going to my school, although
our mother still helps her
lip-read at home.
The teacher and children do
not understand every word
she says, like sister
or water or thumb.
I wore my sunglasses yesterday.
The frames were very large.
The lenses are very black.
My sister made me take
them off when I spoke.
What do my brown eyes say
to her brown eyes?
(Extract from the poem : I have a sister my sister is Deaf )
** Although this story it can be discussed that we have different abilities by incorporating the children’s own experiences, sensitivity towards this issue can be enhanced.
Our eyes tell a lot small children tell a lot through their face and hands even before they learn to speak. They understand a lot too.
The face is a mirror
§ Observe children of about six to eight months in your area. How do they express themselves?
¶ You must be wondering what kind of faces these are - they have no eyes, no nose, no mouth. You have to make these, but only after reading what is written alongside.
This is Aftaab. His favourite toy has fallen down and broken. He is sad. How will his face look?
This is Julie. Her little sister was born just yesterday. She is very excited. How will her face look?
This is Yamini’s mother. Today, while Yamini was taking out the bottle of pickle from the kitchen it fell from her hand and broke. Draw the look on her mother’s face.
This is Rehana. She is afraid of dogs. While playing, suddenly a dog came in front of her. How will Rehana’s face look?
** Encourage children to express their feelings through various ways. This will develop their creative expression abilities.
By looking at someone’s face we can tell if the person is happy, sad or angry.
Has it ever happened that you had done some mischief and your mother found out just by looking at your face?
We can talk through dance as well. In dance the hands and face are used to convey feelings. These are called mudras and bhavs.
¶ Look at and do these mudras. Learn some more dance mudras and do them.
Look at these pictures and guess. Make your own story. Tell the story to your friends and discuss.