
9. How Many Times?

Leggy Animals

Five goats with four legs each.

There are 5 goats.

How many legs altogether?

4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 20

or 5 times 4 is 20

or 5 * 4 = 20

Three spiders with eight legs each.

How many spiders?

One spider has _____ legs.

In all, spider legs are 3 times __

or _____+ _____ + = _____

or 3 * _____ = _____

An octopus.

Do you know this leggy fellow?

This is an octopus.

It lives in the sea.

It also has 8 legs.

So how many legs altogether do 5 octopuses have?

_____ + _____  + _____ + _____ + = _____

or 5 times_____ = _____

or 5 * _____ = _____

Five octopuses.

Give me your hand, hand, hand, .............!

Find the Number without Counting

Flowers in a flower bed.

How many flowers in a flower bed?

It has 4 columns. Each column has 6 flowers. So altogether the flower bed has 4 times 6 flowers,

6 + 6 + 6 + 6 = 24 or

4 * 6 = 24

Flowers in the flower bed.

Let's try another way. The flower bed has 6 rows. Each row has 4 flowers. Altogether the flower bed has 6 times 4 flowers,

4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 24

or 6 * 4 = 24

Bottles in five rows and each row has four bottles.

In the same way, how many bottles are these?

_____ times _____ = _____ bottles

An egg tray with five rows and six eggs in one row.

How many eggs?

_____ times _____ = _____ eggs

Practice Time

  1. Rewrite using the + sign.

2 * 5 is 2 times 5 or 5 + 5

4 * 18 is 4 times _____ or _____+ _____ + _____ + _____

3 * 20 is _____ times _____or _____ + _____ + _____

8 * 9 is _____ times _____or _____+ _____+ _____+ _____

  1. Tell how many times!

9 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 = 6 * 9 = 54

4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 5 * 4 = 20

8 + 8 + 8 = _____ * 8 = _____

3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 5 * _____ = _____

30 + 30 + 30 = _____ * _____ = _____

7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 = _____ * _____ = _____

12 + 12 + 12 + 12 = _____ * 12 = _____

6 + 6 + 6 = _____ * _____ = _____

10 + 10 + 10 + 10 = _____ * _____ = _____

2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = _____ * _____ = _____

6 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 = _____ * _____ = _____

Boy holding four packets of biscuits.

C. Ramu bought 4 packets of biscuits. Each packet has 4 biscuits. How many biscuits did Ramu buy? _____

D. There are 12 desks in a classroom. Each desk has 4 legs. What is the total number of legs of the desks? _____

A girl holding bunches of flowers.

E. Sabiha brought home 3 bunches of flowers. Each bunch has 4 flowers. How many flowers were there? _____

A train.

F. One rail coach has 8 wheels. How many wheels in all in 6 coaches? _____

After children attempt word problems, there should be a discussion on how they arrived at their

answers. This will help children develop a conceptual understanding of multiplication.

How Many Times 2?

Multiple birds in pairs.

1 time 2 is  2 or 1 * 2 = 2

2 times 2 is 4 or 2 * 2 = 4

3 times 2 is 6 or 3 * 2 = 6

4 times 2 is _____ or 4 * 2 = _____

5 times 2 is _____ or 5 * 2 = _____

6 times 2 is _____ or 6 * 2 = _____

_____ times 2 is _____ or _____ * 2 = _____

_____ times _____ is _____ or 8 * 2 = _____

_____ times _____ is _____ or 9 * 2 = _____

_____ times _____ is _____ or 10 * 2 = _____ 

Jump with Me

A frog jumping on numbers written from 0 to 54.

Tarru Frog jumps 3 steps each time. Which numbers will Tarru touch?

1 * 3


5 × 3


2 * 3


3 * 3


4 * 3


9 * 3


6 * 3


7 * 3


8 * 3


13 * 3


10 * 3


11 * 3


12 * 3


14 * 3


15 * 3


Show jumps with 4 steps

A strip of numbers from 0 to 64.

1 * 4


5 * 4


2 * 4


3 * 4


4 * 4


9 * 4


6 * 4


7 * 4


8 * 4


13 * 4


10 * 4


11 * 4


12 * 4


14 * 4


15 * 4


Try jumps with seven steps

A line of stones with numbers written from 0 to 150.

1 * 7


2 * 7


3 * 7


4 * 7


5 * 7


6 * 7


7 * 7


8 * 7


9 * 7


10 * 7


11 * 7


12 * 7


13 * 7

14 * 7


15 * 7


Stick Play

Girl playing with sticks.

Mithu had some sticks. She arranged them like this:

1 time 5 = 5

2 times 5 = 10

3 times 5 = 15

4 times 5 = 20

Then she counted how many times the sticks were crossing each other. She found that

4 times 5 = 4 * 5 = 20

Sticks joined to form a ladder

Let's try making a 2 times table with sticks:

1 * 2 = 2

2 * 2 = 4

3 * 2 = 6

4 * 2 = _____

5 * 2 = _____

6 * 2 = _____

7 * 2 = _____

8 * 2 = _____

9 * 2 = _____

10 * 2 = _____

Children can be given 16 and 24 sticks to arrange and encouraged to try different arrangements

like 4 * 4, 2 * 8, 8 * 2 for 16 sticks and 12 * 2, 8 * 3, 4 * 6, 6 * 4, 3 * 8, 2 * 12 for 24 sticks.

Now draw sticks to make the multiplication table of 6:

Blank space to draw sticks.

Shopping with Tables

How much do these things  

Toffees costing Rs. 2 each.

4 toffees cost rupees.

[Hint: 4 * 2]

Pencil boxes costing Rs. 10 each.

3 pencil boxes cost _____ rupees.

10 pencil boxes cost _____ rupees.

Balloons costing Rs. 5 each.

9 balloons cost _____ rupees.

Toys costing Rs. 4 each.

5 toys cost _____ rupees.

Face masks costing Rs. 3 each.

7 face masks _____ cost rupees.

Practice Time

A. Complete the following:

2 * 7 = _____

3 * 9 = _____

4 * 9 = _____

5 * 2 = _____

5 * 8 = _____

3 * 10 = _____

10 * 6 = _____

2 * 8 = _____

5 * 9 = _____

10 * 8 = _____

B. Look at the patterns and complete them.


3, 6, 9, _____, _____, _____   .

2, 4, 6, _____, _____, _____.

10, 20, 30, _____, _____, _____.

4, 8, 12, _____, _____, _____.

5, 10, 15, _____, _____, _____.

30, 60, 90, _____, _____, _____.

C. Complete the multiplication tree

A multiplication tree with number 10 written as 2*5, 5*2 and 10*1. Similarly factors for the numbers 12, 18, 35, 24, 36, 45, are to be written in different leaves.

D. How many in all?

A book almirah.

The almirah has 4 shelves. There are 5 books in each shelf. How many books are in the almirah?

4 * 5 = 20 books

Three girls showing buttons in their shirts.

A shirt has 5 buttons. How many buttons would 3 shirts have?

Four fans with three blades each.

There are four fans. Each fan has 3 blades. What is the total number of blades in all?

Seven boxes with six apples each.

A box contains 6 apples. How many apples in all will seven boxes have?

Four triangles.

How many corners would 4 triangles have?

E. Some multiplication facts:

8 * 3 = _____

3 * _____ = _____

_____ * _____ = 42

5 * _____ = 40

_____ * _____ = 54

5 * _____ = 35

_____ * 6 = 36

10 * _____ = _____

_____ * 9 = 36

_____ * 7 = 28

Multiplication Table of 1


one time one is -  1 * 1 = 1

two times one is - 2 * 1= 2

three times one is - 3 * _____ = _____

four times one is - _____ * _____ = _____

_____ times one is - _____ * _____ = _____

_____ times one is - _____ * _____ = _____

_____ times one is - _____ * _____ = _____

_____ times one is - _____ * _____ = _____ 

Multiplying Big Numbers

A. Two toffees were given to each student in the class. If there were 34 students, how many toffees were given in all?

Total students present = 34

Each student gets 2 toffees.

So total number of toffees given is 34 * 2.

34*2 is 34 times 2

30 times 2 is 60.

So the answer is more than 60.

40 times 2 is 80.

So the answer is less than 80.

What is the answer?

How can we find 34 times 2?

I know!

A 1*2 grid with numbers 30 and 4 written horizontally and vertically it is written number 2.

What's this?

Bharti wrote

2  30  4

See, 34 is 30 and 4. Right?

But what's the answer?

Next Bharti wrote



Multiplying 30 and 2 to get 60 and then 4 and 2 to get 8 as result.

30 times 2 is 60 and 4 times 2 is 8.

Wow! That's smart.

Just add the numbers in the boxes, and you get the answer 60 + 8 = 68

68 toffees in all.

B. In a picnic 4 fruits were given to every student. The number of students was 23. Find out the total number of fruits given.

Number of students in the picnic = 23

Fruits given to each student = 4

Total number of fruits = 23 * 4

23 * 4 means 23 times 4

20 times 4 is 80.

So the answer is more than 80.

The answer is also less than 100.

Can you tell why?

Let us try if we can do this by Bharti's method.

Multiplying 20 and 4 to get 80 and then multiplying 3 and 4 to get 12.

Adding 80 and 12 gives 92

So 23 times 4 is 92.

The activities given in this chapter are designed to develop children's conceptual understanding of multiplication. The standard method for multiplying larger numbers may be efficient, but teaching it too early may actually hinder learning. The method given here builds on children's growing sense of two-digit and three-digit numbers. Children should also be encouraged to estimate the result of the operation.

Practice Time

A. Multiply:

22 * 3 = _____

21 * 4 = _____

11 * 5 = _____

20 * 4 = _____

26 * 4 = _____

25 * 3 = _____

35 * 3 = _____

32 * 5 = _____

43 * 2 = _____

24 * 2 = _____

30 * 5 = _____

23 * 9 = _____

38 * 2 = _____

24 * 5 = _____

48 * 4 = _____

58 * 2 = _____

B. First guess the answer and then calculate:

Eight books of 64 pages each.

A flower has five petals. A bunch of flowers has 13 flowers. How many petals are there in the bunch?

13 flowers of 5 petals each.

A book has 64 pages. What will be the total number of pages in 8 such books?

Six rows of 17 students each.

Students stand in rows in the assembly. There are six rows of students. Each row has 17 students. How many students are there?

17 designs with three flowers in each design.

A design has 3 flowers in it. A piece of cloth has 17 such designs. How many flowers will be on the cloth?

How many in 23 dozen?

Many things are sold by the dozen. For example, bangles and bananas are often sold by the dozen.

1 dozen bananas means 12 bananas.

So 23 dozen bananas is 23 * 12 bananas.

23 * 10 = 230
So the answer is more than 230.

How to find 23 * 12?

We can do it in the same way...

23 is 20 and 3. And 12 is 10 and 2.

A 2*2 grid with 20 and 3 written on top of columns and 10 and 2 written on the rows.

Bharti wrote

Next Bharti wrote

Multiplying 20 with 10 to get 200 and the 3 with 10 to get 30 in first row. Multiplying 20 and 2 to get 40 and the 3 and 2 to get 6 in second row.

And Bharti wrote 200 + 40 + 30 + 6 = 276

We will add the numbers in the boxes to get the answer.

That's correct.  23 * 12 = 276

So 23 dozen bananas is 276 bananas.

Now try doing 43 * 13

43 is 40 and 3

13 is 10 and 3

We write the numbers in the boxes as shown.

Multiplying 40 and 10 to get 400 and then 3 and 10 to get 30 in first row,. Multiplying 40 and 3 to get 120 and then 3 and 3 to get 9 in second row.


Add the numbers in the boxes:

400 + 120 + 30 + 9 = 559

So 43 * 13 = 559

Practice Time

First guess the answer and then check it by calculating:

42 * 23 = _____

51 * 13 = _____

25 * 36 = _____

73 * 11 =_____

54 * 12 =_____

12 * 14 =_____

Multiplication Patterns


9 * 1 = 9

9 * 2 = 18

9 * 3 = 27

9 * 4 = 36

9 * 5 = 45

9 * _____ = _____

9 * _____= _____

9 * 8 = _____

1 + 8 = 9

2 + 7 = 9

3 + 6 = 9

4 + 5 = 9

_____ + _____ = _____

_____ + _____ = _____

_____ + _____ = _____

Did you see the pattern in the 9 times table? What numbers are adding up to 9?

Observing patterns in multiplication tables deepens the understanding of the number system.

B. Complete the grid by multiplying the numbers




















































Look at the cross in your grid.

A cross grid with number 6 in middle box and 3 in top box, 8 in right box, 9 in bottom box and 4 in left box.

Add the numbers together from top to bottom.

3 + 6 + 9 = 18

Add the numbers together from left to right.

4 + 6 + 8 = 18

The total is the same.

Look for other such crosses and copy them in your notebook.

C.  Mark the numbers 1 -10 in the same grid in one colour.

 Mark the numbers 12 - 20 in another colour.

Similarly mark 21 - 30 in a third colour.

Do you see any colour pattern?


Space to write multiplication table.

Fill this space with your favourite multiplication table.