
13. Smart Charts!

Different types of flowers.

Flowers of Different Colours

Have you been to a park?

What coloured flowers did you see?

Were most of the flowers yellow in colour?

Look at the different flowers in the picture. Complete the table:

Number of flowers

Colour of flowers





Draw the right flower. Write how many there are.

a) _____ are the most in number. How many? _____

b) _____ are the least in number. How many? _____ 4.PNG

c) _____ are more than _____ 6.PNG

d) _____ are more than _____ 3.PNG

What do We See on the Road?

Look at the traffic scene in the picture and fill in the table.

A traffic scene with a four sided road, lots of vehicles and people crossing the roads.

  • This chapter is an early introduction to data handling, an important area of mathematics. By the end of primary school, children need to be able to collect and record data, to present it in the form of bar charts and tables, to recognise patterns in the data and to draw inferences. Teachers can take several interesting and even funny examples from chilldren's own experiences. Pictures given here could also be used for different classification exercises, such as the number of petals of flowers.

Can a horse without a rider come in this smart chart?

Way of Travel

How many

Walking (people)



Answer the following questions.

a) In the picture which way of travel do you see the most? _____

b) Which way of travel (vehicle) do you see the least? _____

c) The number of people walking is more than the number of _____

d) The number of buses is less than the number of _____

How Many Times do You Get 6?

Have you played any games with dice?

Children playing games with a dice.

How many dots are there on the different faces of a die?

Throw a die.

Look at the number of dots you get on the face of your die.

For each throw draw a mark / in front of that number in the table.

Throw the die 30 times and mark in the table each time.

For example, Rabia threw her die 30 times. She got three Number 3 on the dice. five times. In her table she marked: A dice showing number 3 and a block with 5 slanting lines.

Now fill in the table:

Face of the die

Number of times ( / for each throw)

A dice showing 1.

A dice showing 2.

A dice showing 3.

A dice showing 4.

A dice showing 5.

A dice showing 6.

a) Which face of the die did you get the most number of times? _____

b) How many times did six A dice showing 6.  come up? _____ times.

c) Four A dice showing 4. came up more number of times than _____

d) Compare your table with that of the student sitting next to you. Do you find any difference in the two tables?

Find out from People Around You

1. Talk to people around you about their favourite sweets.

Children eating sweets.

Fill in the table:

Favourite sweet

Number of people


From the above table answer the following:

a) Most favourite sweet _____

b) Least favourite sweet _____

c) _____ (Name of the sweet) is liked more than _____ (Name of the sweet)

d) _____ is liked more than _____

e) _____ is liked more than _____

f) _____ is liked more than _____

Also find out from animals around you!

2. Ask your friends about the number of people living in their homes. Fill in the table.

Should I make a smart chart about smart horses living together?

Number of people living together

How many families

1 alone

2 people

3 people

4 people

5 people

6 people

7 people

8 people


a) Most families have _____ people living in their homes.

b) The smallest number of people living in a home is _____

c) The number of families having 4 people is _____

AN image of family members standing in a circle and holding hands followed by an image of a girl dancing. AN image of family members standing in a circle and holding hands followed by an image of a girl dancing.

3. What have your classmates brought for lunch today? Find out and note down.

Food item

Number of students

a) Food item brought for lunch by the biggest number of students _____

b) Food item brought by the smallest number of students _____

Children eating food under a mango tree. Some are climbing the tree.

Getting Smart with Charts

Attendance Board

Date 8/2/2007


Number of students

Students present

Students absent

Class I




Class II




Class III




Class IV




Class V




This board shows the number of students in each class. It also shows the number of students present and absent.

How many children in all are there in the school? _____

How many children in all are absent on that day? _____

A girl writing students present and absent on the black board.

Absent students Chart


Absent students

Class I

Two faces.

Class II

One face.

Class III

Three faces.

Class IV

Four faces.

Class V

This is a chart to show the number of absent students. Each absent student is shown by A face.  .

In the chart show the absent students of Class V.

Now look at the chart and fill in the blanks:

a) The class with the highest number of absent students is _____.

b) The class with the least number of absent students is _____.

c) The class with 3 students absent is _____.

d) The number of students absent in Class IV and Class V are _____ and _____.

How Long is Your Hand?

  • Make a group of 4 friends.
  • Cut strips from waste paper. The strips should be of the same width.
  • Measure the length of each student's hand with the paper strip. Cut the strip and write the name of the student.

Students cutting strips of paper and measuring each other's hands and then writing names on the strips.

Rohan, Jacob and Geeta also measured their hands. They stuck their strips as shown.

The vertical axis shows the length of the hand and horizontal axis has names Rohan, Geeta and Jacob. Rohan's bar says 8 cm, Geeta's bar says 9cm and Jacob's bar says 10 cm.

Look at the picture and fill in the blanks:

a) The length of Jacob's hand is _____ (more/less) than Geeta's hand.

b) The length of Geeta's hand is _____ (more/less) than Rohan's hand.

c) _____ has the longest hand.

d) _____ has the shortest hand.

In the chart below stick the strips of all the friends in your group. Keep some space between the strips.

A blank chart with vertical axis showing length of hand and horizontal axis shows names of students.

Children coming to School

Children coming to school using different modes of transportation.

Look at the picture and fill in the table.

Way of Coming


Number of students


3 students are coming by a tractor. We write 3 in the table. We also draw 3 faces on top of 'tractor' in the chart. Draw faces in the chart to show how many children come by bus, bicycle, etc.

Vertical axis shows Number of students and horizontal axis shows Bus, Tractor, Bicycle, Rikshaw and On foot. Tractor line has three faces.

A camel.

How many in your class have never had a ride on me?

Fill in the blanks:

a) The most students come to school by _____ .

b) The number of students walking to school is ______ (more/less) than the students coming on bicycle.

c) The least students come to school by _____.

So, isn't this a smart chart! By simply looking at it we can know so much. Let us make more such charts.

Children walking in a line.

Practice Time

Make your own smart charts about things around you.

Like —

Which bird has the most colours?

A parrot and a peacock.

Which animal is liked most as a pet?

A dog, a cat and a snake.

A Vegetable You do not Like!

Which vegetable is most disliked? Ask your friends and complete the table.

Vegetable disliked

Number of students

Use this table to draw faces in the chart below. Draw A face.  for each child on top of the vegetable disliked.

The most disliked vegetable is _____.

The vegetable disliked by very few children is _____.

Vertical axis shows Number of students and horizontal axis shows vegetable disliked.