8. Carts & Wheels

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A picture of round things like wheels of vehicles, round designs, potter's wheel, lady making round chapatis. Hey! See, how big this wheel is! I have never seen a wheel like this.

You must have seen many such round things around you.

List some more in your notebook.

Round Bangle

Have you ever gone to a bangle shop?

Bangles of different sizes.
I cannot wear these bangles. These are too small.

  • Guess which of these bangles is of your size.
  • Take a wire and make a bangle for yourself. Can your madam or mother wear this bangle?

  • A bangle can be used to trace a circle. What are the other things around you that you can use to trace a circle?

  • Trace a circle with the help of some of these things in your notebook or on the ground.

Which thing makes the smallest circle?

Which thing makes the biggest circle?

Games with Circles

Children are playing some games

Game 1- Children sitting in circle and two children are running around them.
Game 1

Game 2  has a circle with a small piece of cloth in the middle of the field. Two children from respective teams are approaching the circle to collect the cloth.
Game 2

Do you play these games? Which song do you sing when you play these? Play these games in your school.

A girl playing with round ring around her body.

Why do we make a circle in each of these games ?

What if a rectangle was made? Discuss.

  • Think of some other games you play by making circles.

Making a Circle

Naina, Chippu and Ariba want to play a game. They want to make a big circle on the ground. But they cannot make it by tracing. So, Ariba tries to draw a circle with a stick.

A girl is making circle on the ground with the help of a stick. Children complaining about the circle not being round.

All kids are making their respective circles on the ground with sticks.

Chippu and Naina — It does not look like a circle at all.

Ariba — OK! Why don't both of youtry?

Chippu and Naina both make circlesontheground.

  • Is any of these a good drawing of a circle? Discuss.
  • Can you draw a circle on the floor with a chalk? Try.
  • Also draw a circle in your notebook using a pencil.
  • Look at the circles drawn by your friends. Who has drawn the best circle?

The purpose of this exercise is to give opportunities to each child to make freehand circles. They can also make circles on the ground with a stick. They can compare different drawings to get an intuitive sense of the shape of a circle.

Making a Circle with a Rope

Ariba decided to use nails and a thread to make a circle on the ground. She took a thin rope and tied nails on both ends of the rope. Then she made a circle with the help of her friend. Look at the picture and see how they are making the circle.

Two children are making a circle with a rope and nails. Can you also make a circle with a rope and nails like Ariba?

  • Do the activity in small groups. Each group should take a rope of a different length. See the circles made by different groups.
  • Which group made the smallest circle?

  • How long was their rope?

  • Does a longer rope make a bigger circle?

  • Why is it so?

A circle with radius from centre to the boundary. The length of rope used is equal to the length of the radius of the circle.

  • What was the radius of the smallest circle?

The purpose of this exercise is to help children make different circles, measure the lengths of theirradii and see howthesize of a circle changes with its radius.

A circle with a centre.

  • Draw the radius of this bangle using a ruler. Measure the length of the radius.

Now see what your friends have drawn. Discuss the length of the radius they measured. Is it the same as yours?

  • Draw the radius of these circles.

Guess which circle has the longer radius.

A small and big circle.

Measure the radius of both the circles using a ruler.

Write the length of their radius.

  • Radius of the green circle

  • Radius of the blue circle

Find out

  • Measure the radius of the wheels of a bicycle or a bullock-cart. You can use a thread or a measuring tape.

Are all the wheels of a bicycle or a bullock cart of the same radius?

  • Have you seen a tractor or a road roller?
  • Which is the biggest wheel you have ever seen?
  • Are all wheels of a tractor or road roller of the same radius?

Children need a lot of interesting exercises of making and measuring the radius of circles of different sizes. They can also make wheels and carts.

  • Lali and Kali are tied to a pole with ropes. Kali has a longer rope. Who can look for more grass to eat?

Two cows are tied to a pole with ropes.

Daljeet's Design

Daljeet has made these designs using a compass.

Different types of designs made with a compass.

His sister came and started making more designs with him.

Girl showing a design made with compass.

Do you want to make such designs?

To make such designs you will need to use a compass.

Using a Compass

Image of a compass and a girl using it to draw a circle.

  • Have you seen a compass before? How will you use this to make a circle?
  • Open your compass.
  • Press the tip of the compass on the paper. Hold the compass from the top.
  • Without moving the tip, try to move the pencil around.
  • Do you get a circle?

Look for a mark where you had kept the tip of the compass.

This mark is the centre of your circle.

  • Is this circle better than the one you made earlier without a compass? Draw the radius of this circle and measure it.
  • Now you can make your own designs like Daljeet had made. How many did you make?

Guess how this design has been made. Use a compass to make a similar one in the box.

A design made with compass. Space to make a similar design as given before.

Encourage children to explore their own designs with a compass. This will also give them more practice in drawing circles with a compass.

Is It a Circle?

A girl is making a circle with a compass.

Naina was making a circle.

Girl drawing another circle over the previous circle.

Ravi asked her for an eraser. She kept her compass and gave him the eraser. Then she started again to complete her circle. But she got this.


  • Why did Naina get such a drawing? Discuss.

Can a circle have more than one centre?

Girl trying to make a circle with compass. The shape of the circle is not proper.

Another day Naina was using a compass to make circle. But it came out like this.

* Did any one of you ever get a shape like Naina's?

Girl is tightening the screw of the compass.

Oh! The screw of the compass is loose...........Let me tighten it..........Now my compass will not slip.......

Find the Centre

Sadiq and Sameena want to make circles for themselves.

A boy and a girl are discussing methods of making circles.
I will make it with a compass.
No, I will trace it with a bangle.

Girl is using a bangle and boy is using a compass to draw circles.

Then they cut their circle.

Boy is showing centre of the circle which he has drawn. See, my circle has a centre. But where is the centre of your circle?
Don't worry. See how I find it.

She folded her circle into half.

Circle is folded half.

Then she folded it again like this.
She opened the folded circle. Half circle is folded again from the middle.

Girl is showing intersection point of the two lines to the boy.
Can you see the two creased lines crossing each other?

Girl is showing centre point of her circle drawn on the sheet.
See, I put a point where these lines cross. This is the centre of my circle.

Now you trace a circle on a paper using a bangle. Cut it. Then find its centre like Sameena did.

We can also make the design on page 88 like this. How did you do it?

Drawing of a design inside the circle.

Balancing Act

Can you balance a plate on your finger?

Monkeys trying to balance plates on their fingers.

I will balance it …
Oops!... I will try again.
I think I have found the centre of the plate. Oops!...

You also try to balance a plate or a round lid on your finger.

Where does it balance?

Spin the Top

Children are sitting with a sad face inside a room and it is raining outside.

Zakir, Appu, Naina and Guddo were getting bored. It was raining.

So they could not go out to play.

Suddenly Appu said—Let's each make a top.

They took a piece of cardboard traced a circle on it. Then they made a hole and put a matchstick in it.

Children are cutting circles with scissors.

Now everybody was excited to spin their tops which looked like this.

Spinning tops made by four kids.
Zakir, Appu, Naina, Guddo


  • Whose top will not spin at all?

  • Whose top will spin a little?

  • Whose top will spin the best?.

  • In whose top is the stick nearest to the centre?.

Make Your Own Top

You also make your own top and play this game.

  • To make the top spin well, where will you make the hole?