QR Code Chapter 1

Unit 1: Ice-cream Man

Read and Enjoy

 A man standing at his ice cream cart and giving ice creams to few children and a woman.

What is cold, sweet and creamy, and wonderful to eat? Everyone's favourite treat especially on a hot summer day is an ice cream! And everyone's favourite person might just be the Ice-cream Man! Ice cream Man!

When summer’s in the city,

And brick’s a blaze of heat,

The Ice-cream Man with his little cart

Goes trundling down the street.

A strawberry icecream

Beneath his round umbrella,

Oh, what a joyful sight,

To see him fill the cones with mounds

Of cooling brown and white:

A mango ice cream

Vanilla, chocolate, strawberry,

Or chilly things to drink

From bottles full of frosty-fizz,

Green, orange, white, or pink.

A vanilla ice cream

His cart might be a flower bed,

Of roses and sweet peas,

The way the children cluster round

As thick as honeybees.


Two boys are enjoying their ice creams while an ice cream cup fell from a girl's hand and a dog is licking the ice cream that fell on the ground.

New Words

blaze: bright flame of fire

trundling : moving on small broad wheels

mounds : heap,pile

frosty-fizz : chilled drink making a hissing, bubbling sound

cluster : gather around, group of similar things

Reading is Fun

1. In which season is ice cream popular?

2. Who feels joyful on seeing the Ice-cream Man?

3. Name the different flavours of ice cream the Ice-cream Man has in his cart.

4. What are the two things that the Ice-cream Man is selling?

5. What is the ice-cream cart compared to in the poem?

Let’s Write

Having an ice cream on a hot summer day is exciting and enjoyable.

1. Write about some of the exciting and enjoyable things that

one can do in the winter season.

________________________   ______________________

________________________   ______________________

________________________   ______________________

________________________   ______________________

2. List as many summer activities as you can.

A boy is swimming in a pool.

3. Now group these activities into indoor and outdoor


________________             _____________________

________________             _____________________

Say Aloud

Circle the words where you get a zzzzz sound.

One is done for you.


price           prize         maze      face

rice             rise           blaze       fizz

lazy            lacy            busy        racy

raise         rays            race         ace

chase       this              these       frosty

Let's Listen

1. Listen and tell the sounds that these words in the poem produce.

> cart _____

> drinks _____

Can you make these sounds?

2. What are some of the different sounds you hear when the Ice-cream Man comes?

Find Out and Write a Report

Here is a report on Uncle Lal’s farm.

Father took me to visit Uncle Lal’s dairy farm. I saw all of Uncle Lal’s cows. He has fifty cows. They eat grass in the big green farms. In the evening the farmers bring them to the barm to be milked the farmers bring them to the barn to be milked. Uncle Lal sells his milk in the city.

When writing a report, remember to do these things

1. Think of a good title. Write it correctly.

2. Keep to your subject.

3. Tell things in the right order.

4. Make your paper look neat.

In groups of four, write a report on different brands of ice creams available in your area. You may use the following clues.

1. Start with a short introduction which contains the topic.

2. Then list the ice cream brands available in your area.

3. Next, say which are the common flavours of ice cream in each of the brands.

4. Under each brand, find out which flavours are being sold the most. Also find out their prices.

5. Finally, write which do you think is the most popular ice cream.







Word Building

1. Colour the boxes that have rhyming words.













A doll



A cow







A boy is playing





The Moon and the stars are shining in the sky  at night.

2. What do the following words describe in the poem?

joyful _____

little _____

round _____

What are the describing words used in the poem for the following?

_____ mounds

_____ flavour

_____ cluster

Fun Time

1. Colour the boxes with the colours of the flavours mentioned in each.










2. Draw and colour your dream ice cream.

Describe it using interesting describing words — the colours, the flavours, the size, how it looks, tastes, feels etc.

A girl holding a big ice cream in her hand.

3. Have you ever eaten the ice cream from North India?

The following sentences describe how it is served but they are not in the correct order. Write the correct number before each sentence.

He scoops out the on a plate.

A man taking out a kulfi from a pot.

Then he pours some sweet syrup over it and serves it.

A kulfi is served in a plate and a syrup is being poured on it.

The takes the mould out of the pitcher.

Ice cream is served in a plate using a spoon shaped mould.

He arranges some around it.

Noodle shaped faluda is served with ice cream in a plate.

Wonderful Waste!

Waste can be quite useful !

Find out for yourself from this story...

Once, the Maharaja of Travancore ordered a grand dinner in his palace. In the afternoon before the dinner, the Maharaja entered the kitchen to survey the dishes that had been prepared for the feast.

“What are you going to do with those vegetable scraps?” he asked the cook, pointing to the basket of scraps near the cook. The cook replied, “They are waste. We will throw them away.”

“You cannot waste all these bits and pieces of vegetables. Find a way to use them,” the Maharaja commanded sternly and walked away.

The cook was in a fix and kept staring at the vegetable scraps for some time. Suddenly, an idea flashed across his mind.

A king talking to his cook.

He took all the vegetable bits, washed them and cleaned them well.

Then he cut them into long strips. He put them in a huge pot and placed it on the fire to cook. Next, he ground some fresh coconut, green chillies and garlic together. He added this paste and some salt to the cooking vegetables.

Few guests are sitting on the floor in the palace and eating while a man is serving them the food.

A tempting smell started coming from the pot. Now he whipped some curd and added it to the curry. He also poured a few spoonfuls of coconut oil and decorated the dish with curry leaves.

Lo and behold! The new dish was ready. The cook served this new dish to the guests that evening.

Everyone was eager to know the name of the new dish. The cook thought and thought. Then a name came to his mind. He named it (uh-vi-ul).

Avial became famous all over Kerala and is now one of the dishes in a traditional Kerala feast. And imagine, it all came from a basket of waste!

A dish is kept front of the cook and the cook is thinking to name the dish avial.

The cook is preparing the dish.

New Phrases

In a fix : a situation hard to escape from

flash across the mind : suddenly think of

lo and behold : look what a surprise

traditional feast : hearty meal for many guests served on a special occasion

A king is smelling the dish.

Reading is Fun

1. What were the preparations in the palace for?

2. Why did the Maharaja go into the kitchen in the afternoon?

3. What had the cook planned to do with the vegetable scraps?

4. Ingredients are the things that are used to make a dish. Circle the ingredients of in the box below.




vegetable scraps




curd pot


broken bangles


curry leaves

5. State whether the following are True or False.

(i) The king had ordered a dinner in the palace.


(ii) No one had heard of or tasted before.


(iii) The cook had planned to make another dish using the vegetable scraps. _____

1. A recipe is a list of directions to prepare a dish. The following sentences are not in order for preparing avial. Number them in the correct order.

a. Grind some coconut, green chillies and garlic.

b. Cut the vegetable scraps into long strips.

c. Wash and clean the mix of vegetable bits.

d. Decorate with curry leaves.

e. Whip some curd and mix it in.

f. Pour some coconut oil on top.

g Avial is ready.

A man is holding the avial dish in his hand and he is smelling it.

2. Given in the box are some things that children do after they reach home from school.

Choose five things that you do when you reach home from school. Write them in order.

pack school bag

put away school bag

have lunch

A child is eating food.

read a story book

A child is sitting on a chair and reading a book.

chat with mummy about school

sleep for a while

wash up

do the home work

A child is sitting on a chair and writing in a notebook.

watch TV

A child is sitting on a chair and watching television.

go to play

change out of school uniform

First, I _______________________.

Then, I _______________________.

Next, I _______________________.

After that, I _______________________.

Finally, I_______________________.

Let's Talk

The Maharaja was a wise man and ordered the cook to use the vegetable scraps instead of throwing them away.

A cauliflower, some peas, two potatoes, a brinjal, two carrots and cabbage.

1. Name some of the things which are thrown away at home or in school.

2. Sit in groups of four and think of interesting ways in which they can be made useful.

3. Put up your findings on the class board.

Word Building

Pair work

1. Some words have more than one meaning.

For example, point

Meanings: noun a dot in print or writing, full stop, decimal, the number you score in a game

verb to show or call attention to something

Look up the following words in the dictionary. They mayhave more than one meaning. List these meanings.

ground _____________________________________

urvey _____________________________________

scrap _____________________________________

sternly  _____________________________________

tempting _____________________________________

2. Make new words by adding/dropping a few letters from the root word. Some are done for you.





























Do any of these words use all of four endings _____ _____

Find Out

1. Name food that is made in your home

(i) for a feast/ festival.

(ii) when you are unwell.

(iii) everyday.

A child is eating food from a plate, a glass of water, a vegetable bowl and an ice cream is also kept on the table.

Share the information with your friends.

2. is a dish made in Kerala.

Do you have a similar dish in your state made from a mix of many vegetables?

1. What is it called? _____

2. Note down the ingredients used to make it.

A dish in a bowl.

3. Write the recipe.

4. Present attractively and display on the class board. You can draw and stick pictures too.

Have you ever eaten a dish made of bamboo? Let's read this picture story and find out which part of bamboo can be cooked and eaten.

1. One day the mother-in-law of a Santhal bridegroom cooked a special dish for him when he visited her.

A man is sitting on a mat to have food while an old woman is cooking food for him.

2. “This curry is delicious. What is it?” The mother-in-law pointed at the bamboo door.

The man is telling the old woman that the curry is delicious and asked her what was it made up of. The old woman is pointing towards the bamboo door in the house.

3. Next morning, just as he was about to leave, he remembered that there was no bamboo in his village.

4. So he removed the bamboo door and carrying it with him left for his home.

The man is thinking something.

5. On reaching his village, he told his wife, “Make curry with this bamboo door.”

The man is moving out of the house, keeping the bamboo door on his head.

6. She was shocked. “How can I make curry out of a bamboo door?”

The man is showing the bamboo door to his wife and the wife is saying that how can she make curry from a bamboo door.

7. “Come, I'll help you by chopping up the bamboo,” he said.

The man's wife is shocked.

8. His wife boiled it and boiled it. Later when her husband tasted it he said, “It’s too hard to eat. You don’t know how to cook.”

The man is chopping a bamboo stick using a knife.

9. His wife added more water and boiled it and boiled it. “It’s still too hard. I can’t eat it.”

The man is eating the curry.

10. The in-laws came to visit the young couple that evening. They all laughed at his foolishness. The mother-inlaw said, “ Didn’t you know the curry was made from bamboo shoot and not from a bamboo door?

The old woman is talking to the man and his wife.

(A Santhal folk tale)

Did you know this?

Let’s Write

1. Complete the sentences meaningfully.

(i) The bridegroom left with the door of his in-laws' house because it was made of _____ and there was no bamboo in his _____.

(ii) The bridegroom was unable to have bamboo curry in the end because _____

The woman is cooking the curry and the man is looking at it.

2. Word hunt

Fill in the blanks with words from the story.

(i) The bridegroom went to visit his _____.

(ii) The mother-in-law pointed _____ _____ the bamboo door.

(iii) He stayed the night _____ his in-laws.

(iv) He carried the _____ _____ back with him.

(v) The curry was made _____ bamboo shoots.

Say Aloud

im-pa-tient ( im-pay-shnt)

de-li-cious (di-li-shius)





Teacher's Page _______________________________________ UNIT-I

Pome: Ice-cream Man

Story: Wonderful Waste!

Picture story : Bamboo Curry


Recycling waste

Folk tales

Multi-cultural approach to food To avoid wastage of food


In every country of the world, there are stories which have been handed down from grandparents to grandchildren or which have been sung by mothers to their babies. These stories are called folk tales and tell us about the customs and culture of the place they are set in.

A Kerala folk tale and a Santhal folk tale have been retold in this unit. The teacher should encourage children to read folk tales from different parts of the country. The mother tongue can be given its due place by being used for discussion and understanding, along with teaching of English.

The and activities should be done through imitation — the teacher first and then the children. Poems could be recited in groups. They may also be presented through dramatisation, actions etc. in the school assembly. The children can make big cutouts of ice creams and vegetables or dress up as particular vegetables or ice-cream and recite the poem. You could think of a suitable rhythm for the poem.


The Let’s Talk section can begin with a discussion started by the teacher, in this case on environment and recycling of waste. This can be done with the help of a practical example of children making paper bags from old newspaper. These bags could be given to the neighbourhood provision store to be used instead of plastic bags. Remember, paper bags are environment friendly. Old newspapers can also be used to make envelopes of different sizes and masks for school plays.

A teacher is holding a book in her hand.


When we use several sentences to tell others about something that we have seen, read, heard or done, it is called a report. For Report Writing the teacher, along with the children, should first go through the report on Uncle Lal's farm. The children can then do the guided report on ice creams available in their area or on food, toyshops, soaps, some animal, care of pets etc.


A creative activity should be followed by a presentation before the entire class. The poems, recipes, the findings of any task etc. could be done as group activities and presented or displayed in the classroom. This sharing is as important an experience as any individual activity.