QR Code Chapter 9

9. Boxes and Sketches

Sweet Box

Ramya went to buy sweets. The shopkeeper took a paper cut-out and quickly made a lovely pink box for the sweets!

* Look at the photo and make your own box. Use the cut-out on page 201. How fast can you fold it?

2. After coming home Ramya unfolded the box. She removed the extra flaps so the cut-out looked like this.

A girl is unfolding a sweets box.

A narrow rectangle put over another rectangle, which is bigger and broader.

This shape makes a box. Let me see what other shapes will make a box.

* She made four more shapes. Each is to be folded along the dotted lines. You have to find out which of these can be made into a box.


Two narrow rectangles put over broader rectangle.


Two rectangular strips put over a broader one and some dotted lines are marked on it.


A rectangle put slightly above the base of the broader rectangle and some dotted lines are marked on it.


A narrow rectangle put near the top of the broader rectangle.

This chapter focuses on visualisation of 3-dimensional shapes and how they can be represented on paper (in 2 dimensions). The representation used here are nets (like the ones above), layout plans for a house, and perspective drawings.

Shapes that Fold into a Cube

A. Buddha wants to make a paper cube using a squared sheet. He knows that all the faces of a cube are squares.

He draws two different shapes.

A boy pointing out to a cube and a square shape cut out made by him.

How many faces does the cube have? _____

Some parts in a grid are highlighted.

* Will both these shapes fold into a cube?

* Draw at least one more shape which can fold into a cube.

* What will be the area of each face of the cube?

* Draw one shape which will not fold into a cube.

* Look around and discuss which things around you look like a cube. List a few.

Shapes for an Open Box

Remember the puzzles with five squares in chapter 3? You saw 12 different shapes made with five squares (page 46).

If you cut those shapes and fold them, some of those will fold into an open box (box without a top).

I can make open boxes with both these.

But with these I cannot make open boxes.

A girl showing cut outs using which, she can make open boxes and cut outs using which, she cannot make open boxes.

* Find out which of the other 8 shapes (on p 46) can be folded to make an open box.

* Draw more shapes which will not fold to make an open box.

Boxes and Boxes

All boxes are not cubes. Here are some different kinds of boxes.

Match the shape on the left with a box into which it will fold.

A pencil, a cone, an eraser and a small cylinder.

A square inside a star, a rectangle with a shape inside it, the shape is looking like a pencil with both ends pointed, a square, a circle with a portion cut at its base.

Making mental images of shapes is an important mathematical ability. Children will need many exercises to visualise the net of a box, to think of how it looks when flattened, and also to check which nets (like those on page 126) do not make a box.

Floor Maps

An irregular shaped rectangle with four windows and a door. Two windows are in the front, one at the back and one at left side.

For making a house a floor map is first made. Have you ever seen a floor map? Here is a floor map of Vibha’s house. It shows where the windows and the doors are in the house.

* Which is the front side of her house? How many windows are there on the front side?

From the floor map we cannot make out what her house really looks like or how high the windows are. So we look for a special way of drawing the house which is deep — to show the length, width and height.

Here are four deep drawings of houses.

* Which one is Vibha’s house?


A house with three windows and a door. Two windows in front and one at left side.


A house with two windows in front, one at right side and a door.


A house with two windows in front, one at left side and a door.


A house with two windows in front, one at left side and a door.

* Why do the other three deep drawings not match the floor map? Discuss.

A 3-dimensional perspective drawing has been called a 'deep drawing' so that children get a sense of the need to represent depth. They should be able to see the difference between deep drawings and layout plans.

Practice time

1. Look at this floor map of a house. Make doors and windows on the deep drawing of this house.

A house with two windows in the front, a door and two windows at sides, one at each side.

A blank drawing of a house.

* Are there any windows you couldn’t show on the deep drawing? Circle them on the floor map.

2. Try to make a floor map of your own house.

A Deep Drawing of a Cube

Soumitro and his friends made deep drawings of a cube.

These are their drawings.

A cut out with four small squares together in a row and one square on top of the second square in the first row and one small square below the last one in the first row. Dots are marked on each square.

* Which of the drawings look correct to you? Discuss.

* Can you add some lines to make drawing f) into a deep drawing of the cube?


This cut-out is folded to make a cube.

Paper cut out with to make a cube. On the strip, there are small square divisions with dots on each square.

Which of these are the correct deep drawings of that cube?


A cube with two dots on top, three on the left and one on the right.


A cube with one dot on top, three on the left and two on the right.


A cube with six dots on top, five on the left and two on the right.


A cube with four dots on top,one on the left and five on the right.


A cube with six dots on top, three on the left and two on the right.

A Simple Way to Draw a Cube

Chanda wants to make a deep drawing of this cube.

She draws the cube like this.

A cube

I drew two squares like this to show the front face and the back face.

I joined the corners of the squares like this to make the deep drawing of the box.

A girl is showing two intersecting squares and then it is joined to make a cube.

* In the same way make a deep drawing of a box which looks like this.

A two dimensional image of a box.

The 2D representation of 3D objects is a matter of convention and is learnt by children through experience. Here the conventional way of drawing the cube is given.

Matchbox Play

Navin, Bhaskar and Pratigya made this bridge using matchboxes.

A bridge formed by matchboxes.

Navin and Pratigya made drawings of the bridge.

The bridge looks like this to me from where I am standing.

A boy is showing the straight view of the bridge.

The bridge looks like this to me. My drawing shows how high our bridge is and how wide it is.A girl is standing in front of a straight line formed by joining three matchboxes.

From your drawing I can make out how long and how high the bridge is. But I cannot make out how wide it is.

A boy is telling something.

* If you look at the bridge from the top, how will it look? Choose the right drawing below:


The narrow portions of the matchboxes arranged is seen.


The straight broad portions of the matchboxes arranged together.

* Look at the photo and try to make a deep drawing of this bridge.

Practice time

1) Make drawings to show how this bridge will look

* From the top

* From the front

* From the side

A bridge formed by matchboxes.

2) Make a matchbox model which looks like this.

The broad portions of the matchboxes.

The sides of the matchboxes arranged together.

A pile of matchboxes kept one over another.

* Also make a deep drawing of the model in your notebook.

3) How many cubes are needed to make this interesting model?

A number of cubes arranged in levels, looking like stairs of five levels.

* Here are some drawings of the model. Mark the correct top view drawing with 'T' and the correct side view drawing with'S'.


A grid.


Cubes arranged over another, looking like stairs.


Cubes arranged together looking like a kite.


Cubes arranged together looking like number seven.