Given in the box are some headings. Find the relevant paragraphs in the text to match the headings.
An Orphaned Cub; Bruno’s Food-chart; An Accidental Case of Poisoning; Playful Baba; Pain of Separation; Joy of Reunion; A Request to the Zoo; An Island in the Courtyard |
Find these words in the lesson. They all have “ie” or ei in them.
f ___ ld ingred _____ nts h______ ght misch _____ vous fr______ nds ______ghty-seven rel ________ved p _______ ce |
Now here are some more words. Complete them with ei or ie. Consult a dictionary if necessary.
bel _______ve rec ________ve w _______rd l _______sure s______ ze w ______ght r ________gn f ______ gn gr _______f p ______rce |
Here are some words with silent letters. Learn their spelling. Your teacher will dictate these words to you. Write them down and underline the silent letters.
knock | wrestle | walk | wrong |
knee | half | honest | daughter |
hours | return | hornet | calm |
could | sign | island | button |