Choose the correct alternative in the following:

The derivative of cos–1 (2x2 – 1) with respect to cos–1 x is

Let u = cos–1 (2x2 – 1) and v = cos–1 x

Considering u = cos–1 (2x2 – 1)

Put x = cos θ θ = cos-1x ---(1)

u = cos–1 (2cos2θ – 1)

u = cos–1 (cos2θ) 2cos2θ – 1 = cos2θ

u = 2θ

u = 2 cos-1x -- From(1)

Differentiating w.r.t x we get,

Considering v = cos–1 x

Differentiating w.r.t x we get,