Match these words /sentences with appropriate statements given below:
(methanol, fermentation, catenation, homologous series, hydrogen gas)
i) The ability of carbon to form large number of compounds through self-linking property.
ii) Alcohols react with sodium to give this element.
iii) This series helps in giving knowledge and enables systematic study of members.
iv) Formation of simple molecules from complex organic compounds using enzymes.
v) Unlike ethanol, the intake of this compound in very small quantities can cause death.
i) Catenation
Explanation: Carbon has:
a) Ability to form covalent bonds with other atoms of carbon.
b) This gives rise to a larger number of molecules through self-linking property.
c) This property is called catenation.
ii) Hydrogen gas
Explanation: Carbon compounds such as alcohols react with sodium to liberate hydrogen gas.
Example: 2CH3CH2OH + 2Na → 2CH3CH2ONa + H2↑
iii) Homologues series
Explanation: Homologues series:
a) All the members are differ by a CH2 group.
b) It helps to predict the properties of the members of the series that are yet to be prepared.
c) Knowledge of homologous series gives a systematic study of the members.
iv) Fermentation
Explanation: Fermentation is the process of formation of simple molecules from complex organic compounds using enzymes.
v) Methanol
Explanation: Methanol:
a) Intake of methanol is very dangerous and can even cause death.
b) If it is consumed, it gets oxidized into methanal in the liver.
c) It affects the liver and causes death.