Fill in the following blanks with suitable words:

(a) The process of …………. ensure continuity of life on earth.

(b) The cells involved in sexual reproduction are called ……………..

(c) Fusion of gametes gives rise to a single cell called ………..

(d) The process of fusion of gametes is called ……..

(e) The other name of egg cell is …………….

(f) A sperm is much ………………. than an egg cell.

(g) In humans, one nature egg (or ovum) is released into oviduct every ………. by one of the ovaries.

(h) The egg laying animals are called ………… animals.

(i) The cow is a ………… animal whereas ostrich is an …………………. animal.

(j) The change of caterpillar into an adult silk moth is called ……………….

(k) The larva of frog is called ………….

(l) The two common methods of asexual reproduction in animals are ………. and …………………

(m) Dolly , the sheep, was produced by the technique called ………………….

(a) reproduction

(b) gametes

(c) zygote

(d) fertilization

(e) ovum

(f) smaller

(g) month

(h) oviparous

(i) viviparous; oviparous

(j) metamorphosis

(k) tadpole

(l) binary fission; budding

(m) cloning