Let’s divide a line segment of length 12.6 cm into 7 equals parts, by scale and compass. Using the above construction let’s draw an equilateral. Triangle of length 7.2 cm.

Step1: Draw a segment AB of length 12.6 cm

Step2: Draw a ray below AB at any angle from point A

Step3: Take any distance in compass and keep the needle of compass on point A and draw an arc intersecting ray drawn in step2. Name the intersection point as X1. keeping the distance same in compass keep the needle on point X1 and mark an arc intersecting the ray at X2. Draw 7 such parts that is upto X7. By doing this we are making 7 equal parts on the ray

Step4: Join X7B and draw lines parallel to X7B from X1, X2, X3, X4, X5 and X6 which intersect AB at A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 and A6

Measuring each part it is of length 1.8 cm

So length of 4 parts combined will be 7.2 cm

Using this we will construct the equilateral triangle of length 7.2 cm

Step5: Take distance AA4 in compass. Keep the needle of compass on point A and mark an arc above AA4

Step6: Keeping the distance in compass same as that of in step5 which is AA4 keep the needle of compass on A4 and mark arc intersecting arc drawn in step5 at C. Join AC and A4C equilateral ΔAA4C of side 7.2 cm is ready