Explain the formation of any two erosional landforms created by glaciers (with the help of diagrams)

Slow moving ice masses are called glaciers. They carry a variety of rock particles within the snow which causes erosion along their channel of movement. Prolonged erosion creates a variety of glacial erosional landforms. These landforms are mostly observed in the high altitudes of different mountain ranges and the poles. Glacial erosion forms different types of valleys. Two such valleys are cirques and U-shaped valleys.

• Cirques – these valleys are arm chair shaped hollows that are characterized by steep walls and a gently sloping valley floor. Accumulated snow in depressions start moving forming a glacier and subsequently results in the erosion of the hollow. Prolonged erosion results in the creation of steep headwalls in the upper parts of the slope as the intensity is more. In the lower slopes, lessening of erosion intensity results in a gentle sloping valley floor. This gives the cirques their arm chair like cross section.

• U-shaped Valleys - these valleys are formed due to erosion along an entire glacial channel because of the glacier’s continuous movement. It is characterized by broad flat bases with steep and straight walls. This gives them a ‘U’ shaped cross section.