Explain the services offered by wholesalers to manufacturers.

The services offered by wholesalers to manufacturers.

a. The wholesalers purchase goods in bulk from the manufacturers, store and distribute them to the retailers in smaller quantities.

b. This bulk purchase allows the manufacturing to undertake large scale production without worrying about the storage problems.

c. Wholesalers purchase goods in bulk from the manufacturer and store them in the warehouses. The manufacturer is spared from the problem of finding storage.

d. The market information provided by the wholesaler benefits the manufacturer. They receive important information such as the customer's preferences, the most attractive features while purchasing good and marketing conditions.

e. It enables the manufacturer to produce the goods and services on the basis of this information. It would also help him to alter his marketing strategies.

f. The wholesaler deals with the goods in his own name. He has to bear the risk of the fall in the price, theft, spoilage, etc when the goods are stored in his warehouse.

g. The wholesaler provides financial assistance to the manufacturer by providing cash payments for the goods purchased.

h. The continuity of production is maintained throughout the year.