Do you know any retailers selling second-hand goods in your area? Find out the category of the product that they deal in? Which products are suitable for resale? List some of your findings. What conclusions do you draw?

Yes, there are a few retailers in my area that sells second-hand goods.

The category of products that they deal with come under the fixed shop small retailer.

The goods which are most suitable for resale are furniture, cars, motorcycles, books, and mobile.

On the basis of my observation, I have drawn the following characteristics of a second-hand shop:

a. These shops sell goods at a low price.

b. The goods are purchased by those people who have a very modest means of purchase.

c. They are usually located on a busy street or a street crossing.

d. A few of them have set up a small temporary platform to display their items.

e. The second-hand shop main also sells items with a high historical value. These goods are sold at a very heavy price for the people who have an interest in such antique goods.