What are semantic barriers of communication?

Semantic barriers are related to the problems and obstructions in the process of encoding and decoding of the message into words or impressions. For example using the wrong words, faulty translations and wrong interpretations. The different types of semantic barriers are mentioned below:

● The intended meaning be not be conveyed by the manager to his subordinate. This might be due to the inadequate vocabulary, use of wrong words and omission of important words.

● The communication originally drafted in one language has to be understood by translating it into another language. At times the translator might not be proficient with both the languages and mistakes may arise in translation.

● The specialists often use technical jargon which is not usually understood by the people not belonging in the concerned field. The actual meaning of many words may not be properly conveyed.

● One word may have several different meanings. The receiver may understand it in one such meaning which was not intended by the speaker.

● Every movement of the body communicates some meaning. The body movement and the gestures of the communicator are extremely important in conveying the message. If there is a mismatch between the two, the message might not be understood in its true intended form.