Answer the following in not more than 150 words.

Explain why high-tech industries in many countries are being attracted to the peripheral areas of major metropolitan centres.

High tech industries are latest generation manufacturing unit. These industries produce sophisticated products. These industries are regionally concentrated, self sustained and highly specialised. It plays an important role in the modern economy. It experience significantly higher pay than other industries. It emphasize on research and development. This industry require professional worker. Usages of robotics, computer aided design and electronic controls are common in this industry.

Metropolitan areas are region consisting of a densely populated urban population. It is considered as vital economical, cultural and political centres of a state. These cities provide adequate employment opportunities and consist of highly skilled labours. Metropolitan areas are the perfect supplier of skilled labours which is very important for high tech industries growth as it is highly mechanized. Therefore, high tech industries in many countries are being attracted to the peripheral areas of major metropolitan centres.