Answer the following questions in not more than 150 words.

Discuss the significance and growth of the service sector in modern economic development.

Service sector is also known as tertiary sector. This sector provides services rather than producing material commodities.

This sector is not directly involved in the processing of physical materials.

Services are an important part of modern economic development which includes health, education, law, governance and recreation etc.

*Service sector holds the highest share in the country’s Net National Product.

*Service enhances network facilities.

*Services are provided to consumers who can afford to pay for them.

*Services like making and maintaining highways and bridges, maintaining fire fighting departments and customer care are supervised or performed by governments.

*Service sector promotes industrialization.

*Service sector provides technical education and enhances the quality of service.

*Services are provided in all societies. Most of the people are service workers. Developed countries have higher percentage of worker employed in service sector compared to less developed countries.

*Service sector provide employment to people. Trend in employment in this sector has been increased.