Fill up the blank spaces appropriately

A = Malpighian tubules

Explanation: In Arthropods, the Malpighian tubules remove excretory products from haemolymph.

B = Open

Explanation: Arthropods have what is referred to as an open circulatory system, where blood fills the body cavity of the animal.

C = Annelida

Explanation: Members of phylum Annelida has nephrida as excretory organs, closed circulatory system and they respire through skin/parapodia.

D = Mollusca

Explanation: In mollusca, have metanephridia and circulatory system is open.

E = Feather-like gills

Explanation: Molluscs have feather-like gills for respiration.

F = Amphibians have kidneys as their excretory organs.