Match the following and choose the correct option


A. Hermaphrodite ii. Testis and ovary in the same animal

Explanation: Hermaphrodites are organisms which have both the male and female reproductive organs present in the same animal. Both animals and plants exhibit this phenomenon in which they have a full or partial presence of reproductive organs of both the sexes. Examples are slugs and snails.

B. Direct development iii. Larval form absent

Explanation: Organisms which are considered to be more developed have a direct developmental stage. They do not go through the larval stage and give birth to young ones directly. There is no requirement of any transformation of organs or body parts in these organisms.

C. Chemoreceptor iv. Sense of chemical substances

Explanation: Chemo receptors are the receptor cells which help in the sensing of chemical substances. Example of a chemoreceptor is olfactory receptor neurons which are present in our nose.

D. Blood gland in earthworms i. Produces blood cells and haemoglobin

Explanation: Blood gland in the earthworm is present in the 4th, 5th and 6th segment of the earthworms. They are responsible for the production of blood cells and haemoglobin which is necessary for oxygen carrying.