Answer the following questions in not more than 150 words.

Suggest measures for reduction of land degradation.

Soil erosion, waterlogging, salinisation and alkalinisation of land lead to land degradation. Land degradation is understood as either a temporary or a permanent decline in the productive capacity of the land, and unchecked process of degradation may lead to the conversion to wasteland.

Certain measures can be taken to reduce land degradation.

1. Strip Farming: a practice in which crops are sown in an alternative strip pattern to prevent water movement.

2. Crop Rotation: a practice whereby different kinds of crops are cultivated in the same land in alternative seasons, this helps in the replenishment of soil fertility.

3. Ridge and furrow formation: forming ridges and furrow along agriculture land can help in lessening surface run-off. Soil erosion is mainly caused by surface run-off.

4. Contour Farming: a practice whereby plants are cropped across or perpendicular to slopes along the contour. This arrangement of plants helps in breaking up the flow of water, making it harder for soil erosion to occur.

5. Construction of Dams: Dams can help in reducing the velocity of run-off water.

Land degradation is especially serious for a country like India, where the population pressure on land and land-based resources is very high.