A farmer adds/ supplies Na, Ca, Mg and Fe regularly to his field and yet he observes that the plants show deficiency of Ca, Mg and Fe. Give a valid reason and suggest a way to help the farmer improve the growth of plants.

A farmer adds/ supplies Na, Ca, Mg and Fe regularly to his field and yet he observes that the plants show deficiency of Ca, Mg and Fe because:

1. If the soil pH is not maintained, that is the soil is too Alkaline or too Acidic the plant is unable to take up the nutrients from the soil.Example: Too alkaline pH can lead to Iron deficiency.

Preventive Measure: Maintaining the pH and use of good quality fertilizers

2. Manganese Toxicity:Excess of Manganese (Mn) in the soil competes with Ca,Mg and Fe for uptake leading to their deficiency in the plant.

Preventive Measure: Excess Manganese should not be used.