It is observed that deficiency of a particular element showed its symptoms initially in older leaves and then in younger leaves.

a. Does it indicate that the element is actively mobilized or relatively immobile?

b. Name two elements which are highly mobile and two which are relatively immobile.

c. How is the aspect of mobility of elements important to horticulture and agriculture?

a) If it is observed that deficiency of a particular element showed its symptoms initially in older leaves and then in younger leaves than this indicates that the element is actively mobilized.It is because, the immobile elements are first transported to the tip level of the plant and mobile elements to the base.

b) Highly Mobile elements: Nitrogen and Magnesium

Relatively Immobile elements:Calcium and Boron

c) If it is observed that deficiency of a particular element showed its symptoms initially in older leaves and then in younger leaves than this indicates that the element is actively mobilized.This information is used by agriculturist and horticulturist to understand the deficiency of a particular element.For example Sulphur is an immobile element so it’s deficiency is seen in younger leaves first.