Answer the following questions in not more than 125 words.
What is soil conservation? Suggest some measures to conserve soil.
Soil Conservation: It refers to the techniques employed to maintain the quality (fertility) of soil, and its depth. It involves prevention of erosion and improving the quality of degraded soil, without disrupting the ecological balance.
Measures to conserve soil:
• Lands with sloped from 15-25% should not be cultivated without construction of terraces.
• Over-grazing of soil should be prevented.
• Shifting cultivation should be discouraged.
• Villagers should be educated about the harms of over-grazing of grasslands.
• Mixed farming and crop rotation should be encouraged to avoid the loss of vital nutrients in the soil.
• Gully erosion should be prevented by building of check dams, gully plugging, terracing and planting cover vegetation.
• Shelter belts and agro-forestry should be constructed in semi-arid areas to prevent the formation of sand dunes.
• Lands which are unsuitable for cultivation should be diverted towards grazing.