Answer the following questions in about 150 words.

(i) Make a comparison of the climatic conditions between the “A” and “B” types of climate.

(ii) What type of vegetation would you find in the “C” and “A” type(s) of climate?

(iii) What do you understand by the term “Greenhouse Gases”? Make a list of greenhouse gases.


(ii) The following vegetation would be found:

“A” type climate: Since the rainfall is plentiful, Tropical Wet Climate usually contains dense Tropical evergreen forests, whereas the Tropical Wet and Dry areas would be dominated by deciduous forest and grasslands.

“C” type Climate: Since it is characterised by high temperature and seasonal rainfall, it supports tropical forests. These forests are not evergreen; instead the trees shed their leaves during fall. The floor is dominated by ferns and mosses, which also disappear during winters.

(iii) The gases which cause green-house effect are called green-house gases. Green-house effect refers to the property of the gases, by which they can store a part of the heat that falls on them during day-time. Consequently they trap heat and provide warmer conditions for the night. The gases absorb the upward directed long-wave radiations, acting like a glass canopy.

Some green-house gases are:

Carbon Dioxide




Oxides of Nitrogen