Prepare a list of currents which are found in Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans.

How is the movement of currents influenced by prevailing winds? Give some examples from Figure14.3.

The following currents exist in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans respectively:

• Atlantic Ocean: Gulf Stream, Brazilian Current, Falkland Current, Labrador Current, North Atlantic Drift.

• Pacific Ocean: North Equatorial Current, Equatorial Counter Current, West Wind Drift, California Current, Alaska Current, Kurushio, Oyashio

• Indian ocean: South Equatorial Current, West Australia Current, Auglhas Current.

• Winds influence the movement of the currents, as they drive their forward motion. Hence, the currents along the equator move linearly, whereas the currents in the lower and mid-latitudes move in the directions stipulated by the Coriolis force. In low pressure areas, there is an anti-clockwise motion, whereas in high pressure areas, the motion is clockwise.