(a) Draw a diagram of a sectional view of a monocot seed (grain).

(b) Label and write the functions of coleoptile, coleorhiza, endosperm.

a) Monocot seeds are those that contain only one seed leaf inside their seed coat. A diagram of a sectional view of monocot seed is as follows:

b) The functions of coleoptile, coleorhiza and endosperm are as follows:

Coleoptile: The plumule is enclosed in sheaths called coleoptile. It protects the plumule while it emerges from the soil. It has a terminal pore through which the first leaf emerges.

Coleorhiza: The radicle is enclosed in sheath called coleorhiza. It is a protective covering.

Endosperm: It surrounds the embryo and provides nutrition. It is mostly triploid.