A sample of ferrous oxide has actual formula Fe0.93O1.00. In this sample what fraction of metal ions are Fe2+ ions? What type of nonstoichiometric defect is present in this sample?

For 1 O there is 0.93 Fe

Let 100 O2- is present in sample. To maintain neutrality Fe2+ and Fe3+ should be present in such a ratio that it counterbalances the negative charge.

Let number of Fe2+ be X

number of Fe3+ be 93-X

since total positive charge must be equal to total negative charge as compound is overall neutral,

2X+3(93-X)=2× 100



Fe2+ =79

Fe3+ =93-79=14

Fraction of Fe2+ is = 0.849.

This is metal deficiency defect as iron present in sample is in less amount than required for stoichiometric composition.