A solution contains 1 g mol. each of p-toluene diazonium chloride and pnitrophenyl diazonium chloride. To this 1 g mol. of alkaline solution of phenol is added. Predict the major product. Explain your answer.

When a solution containing p-Toluene diazonium chloride and p-nitrophenyl diazonium chloride is allowed to react with alkaline solution of phenol, an azo dye is formed. This is an example of electrophilic substitution reaction. In alkaline medium, phenol is converted to phenoxide which is more electron rich than phenol and therefore, phenoxide ion is more reactive for electrophilic attack. p-Nitrophenyl diazonium cation is stronger electrophile than p-Toluene Diazonium cation because of –NO2 group. Thus, p-Nitrophenyl diazonium cation couples with phenol to form an azo dye.

The structure of the product formed is: