The ratio of the molar heat capacities of an ideal gas is CP/CV = 7/6. Calculate the change in internal energy of 1.0 mole of the gas when its temperature is raised by 50 K

(a) keeping the pressure constant,

(b) keeping the volume constant and

(c) adiabatically.


n = number of moles = 1,

Cv = specific heat capacity at constant volume,

Cp = specific heat capacity at constant pressure

dT = change in temperature = 50K.

γ= Ratio of molar heat capacities = CP/CV = 7/6 => Cv = 6Cp/7.

(a) Formula used:

Pressure constant: Isobaric process. For an isobaric process,

change in internal energy dU = nCvdT,


n = number of moles,

Cv = specific heat at constant volume,

dT = rise in temperature

Also, Cp-Cv = R.

Cp = specific heat at constant pressure

Cv = specific heat at constant volume

R = universal gas constant = 8.314 J/mol/K

Substituting: Cp - 6Cp/7 = Cp/7 = R => Cp = 7R.

Therefore Cv = Cp - R = 6R = (6 X 8.314)J/mol/K


dU = 1 mol X (6 X 8.314)J/mol/K X 50K = 2494.2 J(Ans)

(b) Volume constant: Isochoric process, dV = 0(change in volume)

First law of thermodynamics gives us: dU = dQ - dW

Where dU = change in internal energy, dQ = change in heat,

dW = work done = Pressure x change in volume = PdV

Since dV = 0, dU = dQ.

Hence, dU = nCvdT since dQ = nCvdT.


n = Number of moles,

Cv = Specific heat at constant volume,

dT =Change in temperature

Putting the values in the above formula, we get

Therefore, dU = 1 mol x (6 x 8.314) J/mol/K x 50K

= 2494.2 J(Ans)

(c) Adiabatic process: dQ(heat change) = 0. Therefore,

dU(change in internal energy) = dW(work done)

Since dQ = dU + dW.

For an adiabatic process, dW = dT/(