In what manner is the long form of periodic table better than Mendeleev’s periodic table? Explain with examples.

• The properties be it physical or chemical of an elements are periodic functions of their atomic numbers is the modern periodic law. According to Mendeleev’s these properties were a periodic function of their atomic masses. Atomic number is a better parameter which makes modern periodic table superior. For example Iodine having lower atomic mass than tellurium was placed ahead of Tellurium in the mendeleev’s periodic table because Iodine showed similar properties with other halogens.

• Metals, non metals and metalloids can be easily differentiated in the modern periodic table.for example the non metals are present on the upper right side of the table.

• Position and arrangement of elements can be easily determined by their electronic configurations. For example elements that have one electron in their last shell are placed in group 1.

• Each vertical column that is a group posses similar properties.

• The modern periodic table allows the systematic filling of electrons along a period. There is an increase of one electron until a stable noble gas configuration is reached.

• The modern periodic table shows increase in energy shells down the group.

• The 8th group has been allotted a correct position.

• Transition elements are placed between s and p block elements as the properties shown by them lie in between the two of them.

• Unknown elements can be easily located according to their atomic numbers. For example in mendeleev’s periodic table he has to left some gaps to place gallium and germanium.