Compounds with antiseptic properties are ______________.

To answer this question let us know the definition of


ANTISEPTIC: These are the chemicals which either kill or prevent

the growth of microorganism and are applied to the

living tissues such as wounds, cuts, ulcers and

diseased skin surfaces.

Now if we look on the options, we come to know that

(i) CHCl3 (Chloroform) was used as the an anesthetic to reduce pain during medical procedures. Hence it will not come under antiseptic.

(ii) CHI3 (Iodoform) is an antiseptic as it is used for wounds.

(iii) Boric acid in dilute aqueous solution works as a weak antiseptic for eyes.

(iv) 0.3 ppm aqueous solution of Cl2 acts as a disinfectant and hence not the antiseptic.

Therefore options (ii) and (iii) are the suitable answer to the question. Options (i) and (iv) are incorrect.