Identify compounds A to E and also explain the reactions involved.


A violet compound of manganese (A) decomposes on heating to liberate oxygen and compounds (B) and (C) of manganese are formed. Compound (C) reacts with KOH in the presence of KNO3 to give compound (B). On heating compound (C) with a mixture of conc. H2SO4 and NaCl, chlorine gas is liberated and a compound (D) of manganese along with other products is formed. Identify compounds (A) to (D) and also explain the reaction involved.

Deep blue solution

Ca(OH)2 + CO2 CaCO3 (E) + H2O

CaCO3 + H2O Ca(HCO3)2

A= Copper sulphate

B= copper nitrate

C= Tetraamminecopper(II) sulphate

D=Carbon Dioxide

E= Calcium Carbonate


KMnO4 is a violet compound of manganese and liberates oxygen as well as two other compounds.

Compound C is MnO2 which reacts with KOH in the presence of KNO3 to give compound KMnO4.

It is given by the reaction,

A-Potassium Permanganate

B-Potassium Manganate

C- Manganese dioxide

D- Manganese chloride