Explain the role played by India in maintaining Afro-Asian unity.

Jawaharlal Nehru played a vital role in strengthening India's foreign policy. Not only did he formulated India's external relations with other nations but he also paid a major role in world affairs.

a. Nehru recognized the potential of the African countries due to its size, population, resources.

b. In march 1947 india convened asian relation conference.

c. India being the ardent follower of democracy and independence advocated freedom of other Asian nations like Indonesia from Dutch colonialism.

d. During India's decolonization, South Africa was struggling with problems like racism and apartheid. Be it Gandhiji or Nehru every important leader criticized apartheid.

e. A conference on Asia Africa unity was held in Bandung, Indonesia in 1955, which strengthened India's relation with Africa.

f. Non aligned movement was formed, nehru being the cofounder emphasised upon decolnisation.