Highlight the differences between SAARC and European Union.

Major differences between the SAARC and EU are as follows:

i) EU has economic and political integration which means it has a common currency and a common security and defense policy but SAARC is does not have such kind of an integration.

ii) EU was established by the NATO as a counter to the rising communism in the region. It helped the initial members via funding for construction after the World war II. ] However, SAARC was just established to ensure multilateral trade between the countries.

iii) European Union also consists of countries which are highly developed. On the other hand, member countries of SAARC are among the Least developed countries.

iv) EU is also a very powerful and influential bloc in terms of influence and reach while SAARC is comparatively not and countries often have unilateral relations with individual members of SAARC. It is not seen to be as tightly unified as the EU.