How did the prevalence of ‘one-party dominance system’ adversely affect the democratic nature of India in politics?

The prevalence of one party dominance system did not affect adversely

the democratic nature of Indian politics because:

I. The key role of Congress in the freedom struggle gave it a head start. The congress was already a very well organized party and by the time other parties could think of a strategy the congress had already begun with its campaign.

II. The Congress accommodated diversified interests, religion, beliefs and aspirations to strengthen democracy.

III. Despite being taken place of free and fair elections, Congress won elections in the same manner again and again.

IV. Congress party consisted of various factions inside itself, based on ideological considerations who never taught together or went out of Congress. V. Hence, on the basis of above mentioned criterion, it can be concluded that Congress strengthened ideals of democracy and held unity and integrity of the