What distinguished the dominance of Congress party in India from the one-party dominance in other countries? Explain.

The dominance of the Congress Party in India is distinguished from the one-party dominance in other countries as follows:-

I. In India, democracy was not compromised by dominance of one party while democracy was compromised by dominance of one party in other countries like china, Cuba and Syria.

II. In India, multi-party system prevailed where as in other countries like China and Russia dominance of one party was due to one party system only.

III. In India, there was no military interference like the same in Myanmar and Egypt.

IV. In India, dominance of Congress party was due to its own popularity which managed it to win elections after elections.

V. Even being a dominant party, free fair and regular elections were held and voice of the opposition was heard with respect.

VI. Even in the first general elections there was government of CPI in Kerela which was not destabilized by the Congress Party in power at the Centre.

VII. Congress worked as social and ideological coalition which is also known as a rainbow like coalition representing India’s diversity which helped in establishing democratic set-up.