Write true (T) or false (F) for the following statements.

(i) The number of digits in a square number is even.

(ii) The square of a prime number is prime

(iii) The sum of two square numbers is a square number.

(iv) The difference of two square numbers is a square number.

(v) The product of two square numbers is a square number.

(vi) No square number is negative.

(vii) There is no square number between 50 and 56.

(viii) There are fourteen square number upto 200.

(i) False: Because 169 is square number with odd digit

(ii) False: Square of 3 (Prime) is 9 (not prime)

(iii) False: Sum of 22 and 32 is 13 which is not square number

(iv) False: Difference of 32 and 22 is 5, which is not square number

(v) True: Because the square of 22 and 32 is 36 which is square of 6

(vi) True: As (-2)2 is 4, i.e. not negative

(vii) True: As there is no square number between them

(viii) True: The fourteen numbers upto 200 are: 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100, 121, 144, 169, 196