Explain how print culture assisted the growth of nationalism in India.

Print culture helped in developing a culture of dialogue among people. Ideas of social reform could be spread in a better way. Gandhiji spread his ideas of swadeshi in a powerful way through newspapers.

Print culture assisted the growth of nationalism in India in the following ways:

(i) Many vernacular newspapers began to be published in India, carried nationalist feelings. They reported on colonial misrule and encouraged nationalist activities. These helped in spreading the message of nationalism to the majority of the Indian masses. Even in spite of repressive measures print culture was a revolution which could not be stopped.

(ii) Attempts to throttle nationalist criticism provoked militant protest. This, in turn, led to a renewed cycle to persecution and protests.

(iii) When Punjabi revolutionaries were deported in 1907, Bal Gangadhar Tilak wrote with great sympathy about them in his Kesari. This led to his imprisonment in 1908, provoking, in turn, widespread protests all over India.

Thus print culture played very important role in spreading nationalistic feelings among people in the early 20th century.