Mention different aspects of life in which women are discriminated or disadvantaged in India.

Some of the different aspects of our life in which women are discriminated or disadvantaged in India are:

a) Education: Education is one of the most important factor in which women are discriminated in our country. In India, the literacy rate of women is still lower than men. If we check the facts there are only 54% of the women are literate against 76% literacy among men.

b) Proportion of women in paid jobs: The job proportion of women still have a small share in the highly paid jobs. Women are much hard worker than men even though on an average an Indian women works one hour more than an average man every day but still work of a women did not get that much importance due to which they have to work for low paid jobs.

c) Preference for a male child: In India, still the mentality of many did not changed. They still prefer sons over daughters and find ways of aborting girl child. This abortion has led to decline in child sex ratio.

d) Crime against women: Women in our country are not safe. The crime rate against women is very high. Women gets exploited and harassed at the workplace and also at their home.