Read the following passage about tea.

India and tea are so intertwined together that life without the brew is unimaginable. Tea entered our life only in the mid-nineteenth century when the British started plantations in Assam and Darjeeling. In the beginning, though, Indians shunned the drink as they thought it was a poison that led to umpteen diseases. Ironically, tea colonized Britain where it became a part of their social diary and also led to the establishment of numerous tea houses. Today, scientific research across the world has attempted to establish the beneficial qualities of tea - a fact the Japanese and the Chinese knew anyway from ancient times, attributing to its numerous medicinal properties.

[Source: ‘History: Tea Anytime’ by Ranjit Biswas from Literary review, The Hindu, 1 October 2006]

Collect information about tea, e.g. its evolution as a drink, its beneficial qualities. You can consult an encyclopedia or visit Internet websites. Then form groups of five and play the following roles: Imagine a meeting of a tea planter, a sales agent, a tea lover (consumer), a physician and a tea shop owner. Each person in the group has to put forward his/her views about tea. You may use the following words and phrases.

- I feel…… - It is important to know….

- I disagree with you - I think that tea

- I would like you to know - I agree with

- It is my feeling… - I suggest…

- May I know why you… - I am afraid…

Views About Tea - Tea has become a very important part of our life. It is significant to know that tea can be found in every Indian household which is also a must in all functions. Tea plantation is the main occupation in Assam. Tea is a beverage as well as possesses medicinal qualities. It reduces blood pressure and provides instant relief from tiredness. Thus one can see that tea has become a necessity for all.

NOTE – Students can attempt it and put in various additional details about tea.